Alright, you guys. This is a touchy subject but I want to talk about it on the blog because I feel like it’s important. Gina Rodriguez is in the news today for being what some are calling, “anti-black” because she used the N-word. These accusations have actually been an ongoing thing, dating back as far as 2017. Let me tell you all about who Gina Rodriguez is, where these accusations come from and then give you my opinion on this situation.

Who is Gina Rodriguez?

So Gina Rodriguez is a Latina actress best known for her leading role in Jane the Virgin, a telenovela style drama that aired on the CW for 5 seasons, wrapping its final season back in July 2019. It was the longest-running show with a Latinx cast since Ugly Betty. And Gina was at the head of it all, representing for Latina women. It’s a pretty big deal. Because as we all know inclusion is hard to come by in Hollywood.

She’s an activist and is known to activate for women of all races. She owns a production that is dedicated to that very mission.

So why is she being labeled anti-black?

The Claim

The argument is that Gina advocates for Latina women at the expense of black women. So she will put black women down to elevate Latinas.

The Evidence: Interview with Yara Shahidi

Skip to 2:00 minute mark to see the magic. Gina did an interview with Yara Shahidi in which the interviewer said that Yara is an inspiration to black women. Gina interjected that Yara was an inspiration to “all women”.

I don’t see this as being anti-black. If anything, I felt like she was trying to find common ground and say that Yara maybe even inspires her. I also think Gina might have viewed the interviewer’s comment as a limitation. But she failed to realize that Yara being a role model to black women puts her in a position of power. It’s not limiting her capabilities, it’s complimenting her ability to be a role model to a community that is dying to feel represented. This is something Gina should understand as a Latina. Do I think she’s anti-black for trying to find common ground? Absolutely not.

Now, should she have tried to have a “kumbaya” moment when the interviewer was clearly giving black women a moment? Probably not. But you guys be the judge.

The Evidence: Net-a-Porter Interview

In this interview, Emma Roberts, Ellen Pompeo, Gabrielle Union and Gina Rodriguez sat down to discuss what it’s like being women in Hollywood. It was a very interesting conversation where Gina pointed out that “white women get paid more than black women. Black women get paid more than Asian women and Asian women get paid more than Latina women.” Basically saying that Latina women get paid less than Black and Asian women. She came under fire for these comments because Columbian actress, Sophia Vergara has topped the Forbes charts as the top-grossing actress for 7 straight years on Modern Family. Check it out below. Skip to the 1:02 mark to see the comment.

The Evidence: Tweets

Gina got in trouble when she tweeted that superhero movies are inclusive of other races, mainly blacks because this was around the time of Black Panther’s release, but are lacking Latinos. This didn’t go over well because there has been Afro-Latinx representation in films like Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse with main character Miles Morales. Tessa Thompson is in Thor: Ragnarok and is also Afro-Latina. So it just wasn’t good. Was she overlooking those actors because they were half black?

Granted, Marvel and/or DC have yet to have a full Latinx cast. But it’s like chill girl. Let black people have a moment. We just made it. We have to tackle one mountain at a time, ya know. Here’s the tweet.

The First Apology

Gina went on to a radio show, Sway in the Morning and apologized for the things she said. Accused of having fake tears, Gina is accused of trying to lump blacks and Latinos together. Watch below.

The Most Recent Offense: Gina Saying the N-word

Now, my reaction to the most recent scandal. Gina said the N-word while singing along to a song by The Fugees (a win for The Fugees, they’re getting free press from this). Can people that aren’t black use the N-word? My initial thought is no. But what about songs? I mean I’m sure everybody does it. You think all those Caucasian people at Kanye’s concerts are censoring themselves? Let’s be real. That doesn’t make it right, I’m just saying.

The Second Apology

Gina Rodriguez is pro-Latinx. There’s nothing wrong with that. She’s fighting for the cause of her people and at the same time is fighting for inclusion for all people. But if one has to go before the other, best believe she’s picking a Latino. Right?! Like, come on. I think of it in terms of Martin Luther King Jr. He was fighting for everybody to be equal but he greatly affected the black community.

I’m always rooting for the black girl to win on game shows. And if there’s not a black girl then I’m going for the brotha. If there are no African Americans, then I’m going for the next minority. Is it wrong that I absolutely see color and I want color to win? I don’t think that means I’m anti-Hispanic, anti-Asian, or anti-anything, it just means I’m pro-black. It’s like the whole Black Lives Matters debate. Pro-black doesn’t mean anti-white.

I love my people and I want to see them win. Black people have been put down for so long, so even winning a tiny game show is a small victory. A chance to stick it to the man. Like, take that. See, we are smart. IDK guys these are the #blackgirlproblems that plague me.

She should not have posted the video. But at the same time, if she felt comfortable enough to post herself saying that word, that means it’s probably used in her vocabulary often. That scares me.

I don’t think she meant it to be harmful in any way. She’s not saying the word in a derogatory manner so it truly doesn’t bother me. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.