You know how things happen and you literally have no idea why? When you’re in the moment it feels like the best opportunity but for some reason or another it ends. You blame yourself or even God, wondering why this really good thing just disappeared from your life. But then later down the line you’re like “oh, I see you God. That’s why you did that.” Sometimes it’s all about the process.

What I’m learning is you can’t skip steps to the top. I recently noticed this sentiment when I was thinking about the career of Keke Palmer. She’s super successful. Had a career at Nickelodeon, started in Scream Queens on Fox and she even had her own talk show for a season.

I was so excited for Keke to have her own talk show guys. Like, a young black woman hosting her own show. I was shook. But it got canceled and I was distraught. I was mad for her. Like why would the network cancel her like that?

Flash forward 3 years and Keke is now the 3rd cohost of Michael Sara and Keke. What I love about this is that the show was originally called Strahan and Sara but after Keke sat in for Sara when she was on maternity leave, they liked her so much that they decided to add her to the show permanently. Mike drop.

Sometimes we can get so caught up on one thing and God’s like no, no, no this is a set up for where I’m trying to take you. We just have to be patient and watch His plan unfold.

So it just goes to show if God wants you somewhere he will kindly ask Sara to move to the side and LITERALLY add your name to the program. It may feel like the market is over-saturated but He will make room for you! So just keep on keeping on and doing what you do. God is always working.

Here’s a video of the news being announced. Enjoy!

I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. – Revelation 3:8