Photo by Walid Hamadeh on Unsplash

If you weren’t a maniac and you didn’t binge all 10 episodes of ‘You’ season 2 this weekend, please be advised there are SPOILERS ahead.

My husband and I took bets when we started binging season 2 of ‘You’ this Saturday morning. He said Joe would kill 3 people this season and I said 5.

Turns out we were both wrong because while Joe was responsible for 5 deaths, they weren’t all committed by him. He actually found someone just as crazy as him (insert Love) that surprisingly helped his tally increase by murdering two people this season.

Something was off about Joe’s new interest, Love. From the moment she noticed Joe following her in the grocery store. I was oh either she’s very observative or she’s also watching him. Idk it was creepy. As she turned to ask Joe, “Were you following me?” I turned to Trevor and said wouldn’t it be funny if she turned out to be a serial killer? And well turns out she’s as cold-hearted as Joe. So with that, we have our two murderers from the season. Good ole Joe and his new love interest, Love.


Season 2 began with Will stealing the identity of this guy named Will. Turns out Will owed this guy Jasper some money and, well, Joe didn’t have money. So, obviously Jasper had to die. There was no other option, right?


Joe always has a vigilante spirit about him. Like, to him, he’s only hurting people that deserve it. Kind of like Dexter but a little more psychotic. Because the people Joe targets usually haven’t done anything wrong but he creates these scenarios in his head. Anyways, i digress. When Joe discovered this famous comedian, Henderson, had been preying on young women, he obviously went into vigilante mode.

Joe used Henderson’s own ‘drug the underage girl’ method and dosed Henderson with his own meds. When Henderson woke up he was tied up in his personal ‘sex dungeon’ but obviously not that well because he broke free. Joe said he only wanted to get his taped confession but Henderson ended up falling (or getting pushed. I’m not really sure, I closed my eyes cause I got scared) down the stairs and that was that. A pool of blood ensued next.


Poor Delilah. I just knew Joe couldn’t hurt her. And I was right. It was Love and her legit insaneness that took Delilah out. When Joe got trapped in the cage with her rotting corpse, he was convinced that he killed her in a drug-filled rage and just couldn’t remember. He made a full confession to Love, forced on him by Candace (before, ya know). Love gently told him something along the lines of, “no baby, you didn’t kill Delilah, I DID.”



Oh, Candace. I don’t actually feel bad for her. I know that’s probably bad because she died at the hands of Love in the most surprising fashion. But honestly, she shouldn’t have come back around to find Joe. That police officer in the flashback gave her the best advice. If he thinks you’re dead then stay that way. But no-no-no. Homegirl had to bring her butt back around and look at how she ended up. Deader than Chick-fil-a on a Sunday. SMH


I called this one from the beginning. I was like there’s no way this dude makes it to the end. It was his annoying tendency and he just got under my skin. Of course, I thought Joe would have been the one to kill him but alas it wasn’t Joe and it definitely wasn’t his codependent sister Love, it was the cop that was banging Delilah.

Bonus kills:

Joe’s Mom’s Boyfriend

We got a few flashbacks to when Joe was a kid and he was actually responsible for the death of his mom’s boyfriend. I mean, the guy was a total scumbag and was beating his mom so I get it. But this was obviously a pivotal moment in his life. His first kill (that we know of).

The Nanny

The elusive nanny mentioned throughout the season. The one who took advantage of Forty and was thought to have killed herself, yeah she was killed by none other than Love herself. That was Love’s first kill as far as we know. SHOCKING.

RIP to all those lost in the carnage of season 2. The final episode perfectly set up season 3 so here’s to another year of waiting to find out what exactly Joe has planned for his upcoming baby and his new neighbor.