Photo by Edgar on Unsplash

A crime was committed in the Bachelor house last night. Aside from those producer subtitles which feel like a no-no in the Bachelor world, Kelsey’s birthday champagne that she brought from home was allegedly stolen by none other than Hannah Ann. Let’s start with the key players in the drama:

Kelsey’s Birthday Champagne: The OG champagne Kelsey got for her birthday and saved for a special moment to share with Peter.

Champagne Plant: The second bottle of champagne so obviously set up by producers.

Kelsey: A girl whose existence on the show I hadn’t even acknowledged until tonight. She won’t make it too far but she’ll be entertaining.

Hannah Ann: She’s the girl everyone in the house is annoyed with but the lead is currently obsessed with and will most def make it to the top 3, if not take it all the way to the end.

The Incident: Kelsey brought a bottle of champagne from home that she planned on popping with Peter during their one-on-one time during the cocktail hour. She was literally kekeing with the other girls like, “OMG I brought this bottle of champagne from home.” She explained how she got it for her birthday A YEAR AGO and she was saving it for a special occasion. Okay, I’m sorry but is does $30 champagne age like wine? Like does it age well? I’m really not sure but either way, I’m pretty sure that the bottle was not that expensive and the reaction that ensued next was not at all necessary.

Enter Hannah Ann during her one on one time with Peter. She walks right into Kelsey’s set up and can you guess what she did? That’s right. She popped Kelsey’s champagne and started sipping with Peter.


What follows is the most constituted overreaction of all time. Kelsey walks over to find Hannah Ann (the girl everyone in the house hates but the lead is obsessed with) sipping on her champagne with Peter. Homegirl loses it and locks herself in the bathroom. When Peter goes to find Kelsey and asks to talk with her, she turns him away at first.

But the gag is there was another setup with champagne. But it was just regular champagne set up by production. So, did Hannah Ann know about the special bottle Kelsey brought? She claims she didn’t but Kelsey was so sure she did.

Tammy goes to tell HA about the whole situation and this was her reaction.

If you’ve seen UnReal on Lifetime then you’re always trying to figure out what drama the producers are actually behind. For me, this was a clear set up.

Obviously, the producers knew Kelsey brought champagne and planned on setting it up that night. My guess is that the producers set up a very similar stage to the one Kelsey had put together with their own bottle of booze. Then, Hannah Ann couldn’t tell the difference between the setups (or was told to go to the wrong setup) because a bottle of champagne in the Bachelor house is very common if you know what I’m sayin’. She saw champagne, popped the cork and started sipping with Peter. I mean what would you have done?

Once confronted by Kelsey, Hannah Ann was super defensive and never truly apologized because she felt like she didn’t do anything wrong.

I can see where Hannah Ann was coming from but if she saw Kelsey truly emotional other this situation, it might have been nice if she had more than a blank stare to offer in response. She literally looked at Kelsey and had no emotions lol.

But I also 100 percent believe Hannah Ann when she said she had no idea it was Kelsey’s champagne. But Kelsey should not have responded the way she did. It was so insane and she obviously has no idea how to play this Bachelor game. Life would have been so much easier is Kelsey saw the situation happening and then interrupting jokingly like, “oh you’re gonna drink my bottle well at least pour me a glass,” or something like that. That would have shown Peter that she handles conflict well and lets things roll off her shoulder.

But alas, she did none of that and ended up calling Hannah Ann a bunch of names. Of course, HA had to run and tell Peter the next day that Kelsey was bullying her and that she was up all night crying about all the mean names Kelsey called her.

Kelsey found out about the accusation of bullying and was obviously upset. She made it known that she herself had been bullied in the past and she would never do that to someone else. But I mean, from what I saw, it kind of looked like she was not too nice to HA. I’m just saying.

Other Standout Moments From the Episode

Kelsey had a rough night!: Besides the whole champagne mix up, the girl had the other champagne spray across her face. Once she settled for the other champagne, she had some time with Peter to sip the bubbly and well – this is what happened.


Chesspiece of the episode: Hannah Ann is being set up as a villain. I can already feel it. I don’t think this girl is as mean as they are making her out to be. It feels like a bad edit (or good depending on how you look at it) if you ask me.

The Comeback Queen: The award goes to Victoria! This girl expressed her vulnerability in this episode and that really resonated with me. I loved it when she got time with Peter to express her concerns and they had a sweet little moment. Then she got the group date rose! Plus she totally made out with Peter

That’s it was this week, guys! Let me know your thought on #Champagnegate in the comments. I’m curious to hear your thoughts.