Photo by Ramiro Pianarosa on Unsplash

Aside from calling his grandpa a “pretty big di*k” and revealing his mom might quit music altogether, Jayden Federline (aka Britney Spears’ youngest son with ex Kevin Federline) had a pretty normal Instagram Live session yesterday.

I’m not gonna lie, watching this was absolutely hilarious but apparently Jayden’s dad, Kevin Federline didn’t think it was that funny.

A source told ENews!, Kevin knows “He was experimenting on social media and he will learn from it. He doesn’t understand the consequences, but hopefully he will now. When your family is in the public eye it’s a whole different ball game with what you can and can’t share,” the source explains. 

In September 2019 it was reported that Kevin Federline had filed a restraining order against Britney’s dad, Jamie Spears (aka the pretty big di*k). There were allegations of abuse against her oldest son Sean which is not cool.

Idk you guys, I thought this was pretty funny. He’s just a kid on Instagram who hates his grandpa and thinks his dad is a saint.

But I’m kind of sad because I’ll never know if he reached those 5k followers because his Instagram account has been shut down 🙁 So sad, this could have been his big break lol.

Maybe he’ll join Tiktok next and give us the tea on his sister Jamie Lynn’s life next.