Photo by Can Ahtam on Unsplash

Wait, what?! The Hills star, Kristin Cavallari and former NFL player Jay Cutler’s divorce announcement is just further proof that money and success don’t make you happy. This couple always look so happy on their reality show Very Cavallari on E!. Granted, haven’t watched the show since the first season but the allegations Jay makes in the divorce filing are just insane. Because, oh yeah, Jay is the one that filed for divorce.

We’ve been hearing that the two have been struggling for a while but Kristin thought they could work through it until Jay surprisingly filed for divorce last week. I can’t imagine the shock and awe she must have felt. The person you’ve agreed to spend your life with, created 3. beautiful lives with and at one point trusted with all your heart, decides to end it all. Poor Kristin.

Jay claims in the filing he wants full custody of their 3 kids. Apparently, Jay and Kristin previously agreed if they divorced they would split time with their children 50/50 but in Jay’s divorce filing he says he is, “the available at home parent and the primary caretaker of the parties’ minor children.”

Then Kristin put out a statement saying there’s no way she will be taken out the equation when it comes to her kids.

A source got messy and said, “Jay was playing for the NFL a majority of their marriage, for him to call himself the primary caregiver just because he is retired and she is working is not accurate.”

And apparently Kristin is going to fight for full custody. So, good for her. We’ve yet to hear anything from Jay on social media and honestly I think he’s said enough) but Kristin released a statement on Instagram saying, “With great sadness, after 10 years together we have come to a loving conclusion to get a divorce. We have nothing but love and respect for one another and are deeply grateful for the years shared, memories made, and the children we are so proud of. This is just the situation of two people growing apart. We ask everyone to respect our privacy as we navigate this difficult time within our family.

Even though they looked happy on TV, this just goes to show, no one knows the inter workings of a marriage expect the two people navigating that relationship every single day.

It seems the rest is still unwritten for Kristin and we hope the best for her in the future.