Our hearts are with singer Selena Gomez as she recently announced her battle with Bipolar Disorder.

Gomez spoke about her diagnosis with long-term friend Miley Cyrus on Miley’s Instagram Live talk show Bright Minded: Live With Miley Instagram. Both musicians spoke about their own mental health struggles and what they are doing to cope with their battles.

Selena was diagnosed with the disorder after she checked into Massachusetts McLean Hospital, a hospital that focuses on psychiatric patients.

“Recently I went to one of the best mental hospitals in the world, or definitely in America, Mclean Hospital,” the 27-year-old singer said. “I discussed that after years of going through a lot of different things, I realized that I was bipolar.”

Over the years, Selena has spoken about the many mental health issues that she’s been facing. Fans began to realize how serious this was her for when she canceled her 2013 tour in Australia and checked into a rehab center.

“It has become clear to me and those close to me that after many years of putting my work first, I need to spend some time on myself in order to be the best person I can be,” the singer said.

Since then Selena has been very vocal about her other diagnosis in hopes to shed light on the misconception of mental health and spread more awareness.

“When I know more information it actually helps me, it doesn’t scare me once I know it. I think people get scared of that, and I’ve seen it,”  said Gomez in her discussion with Miley. “I feel like, when I finally said what I was gonna say, I wanted to know everything about it, and it took the fear away.”

Selena has been strong in her fight, but she isn’t in this alone.

Cyrus empathized with Gomez, sharing her own struggles with mental health, “I have OCD, I’m pretty obsessive,” said Miley. “When I was younger, it used to really make me feel like I was too different. I couldn’t understand it. But now it’s been able to help me to learn about it and use it for good,”

Fans have also been reaching out to Selena, letting her know that her bravery has not gone unnoticed.

In a TeenVogue interview, 26-year-old Kendra, who is also struggling with bipolar disorder was full of emotion hearing her favorite singer speak on an issue that is so close to her, “To hear it come out was really refreshing and almost felt like a sigh of relief, because there are times when I think I need to hide my diagnosis. I think her platform is one that is so powerful to have on my side, and advocating for me”

Keeping her conversation positive, the singer revealed the different coping mechanisms she practices in her daily routine.

“I’ve been writing a lot, that’s been helping me process what’s been going on. I had gone to treatment a few times for anxiety and for depression and for other stuff I’ve been struggling with and when I do meetings, a lot of it is connecting with people you haven’t been the greatest to or you may not have thought about. There’s a lot of people I’ve gotten to do that with, not necessarily saying it was bad, but just to say ‘hey, I hope you’re safe, hope you’re doing OK, and on my side,  I’m only sending love.’ I just want them to know I see them.”

For Selena, this was the chance to share her story with millions of people. For the millions of people this was a chance to let them know that they are not in this alone.