Photo by Jay lee on Unsplash

Lady Antebellum is just another brand affected by the latest Black Lives Matter movement. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent events, everybody and their mama is tightening up their ship before someone comes along and sinks it. But it seems this change came at the expense of another artist and doesn’t really fix the issue. 

In a statement released yesterday, the band explained how they chose their name 14 years ago and it was modeled about the southern Antebellum style home where they took their first pictures together. They apologized saying, “we are regretful and embarrassed to say that we did not take into account the associations that weigh down this word referring to the period of history before The Civil War, which includes slavery.”

It’s no secret that the word antebellum has connotations linked to slavery and I’m sure the band has been aware of this issue and ignored it. But I guess no one ever made a big enough fuss for the band to officially get canceled. So, now that the band is acknowledging the issue with their name, we should be happy, right? Wrong. 

What Does The “A” Stand For? 

So, to be honest, when I heard that the group changed their name, I truly thought it would be something completely different from the previous. Right?! Like, obviously when we hear Lady A, the mind is still going to go straight to Lady Antebellum. So, has anything really changed? It feels like they just abbreviated the name and that is supposed to make us happy. Sorry, but it really doesn’t do it for me.

Lady A Already Exists!

It’s also important to note that they is already a Lady A. Yeah you heard that right. Lady Antebellum named themselves after an artist that already exists. A 61-year-old blues singer named Lady A has been used the name for over 20 years and is disappointed they didn’t even reach out to her. 

“This is my life. They’re using the name because of a Black Lives Matter incident that, for them, is just a moment in time,” says the original Lady A.

This honestly just goes to show you that they did not even do thorough research. Or, if they did, they didn’t care. I will say though that the “original Lady A” is not well known. My personal Instagram account has more followers than her music page. So, it is quite possible they didn’t think much of it.

Rolling Stone has picked up the story and really running with it though so we will see what happens. Apparently, they reached out to Lady Antebellum’s (now Lady A) rep for comment and haven’t heard back. So, time will tell with this one.

Their name has been racially sensitive since the moment it was concocted in their heads 14 years ago. Granted, in no way do I think these people are racists. I really do think they like the Antebellum-style home and went with the name for that reason. I don’t think their band name was hurting anymore as it was and they are just being politically correct now by shortening their name. In my humble opinion, if they were going to change the name, they should’ve changed the name completely. Wipe the slate clean and start over.

For me, this truly doesn’t change my opinion on the band. I still love “Need You Now”. “Just A Kiss” is still a bop. And I halfway pay attention when I hear their name because they are one of the few country artists I’m familiar with. Anyway, what do you guys think? Is this a change you are happy to see?