Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash

We have a police system that needs a lot of work.

It seems like there is no end to the brutality we are seeing these days. The Black Lives Matter movement is tackling these issues head-on and no matter if you agree with the means, people are doing something. People are protesting and making a change.

In the midst of all of this, we’ve seen celebrities and brands get canceled.

It’s been rough watching the fallout but we are being exposed to some things we would not have been aware had this movement not been enacted.

It’s gotten so big that we’re seeing the movement spill over into television. We literally forced The Bachelor to cast its first black male lead. <—- totally off topic but come on it was time, amiright?

And the spillage continues with the cancellations of long-running cop shows, Live PD and Cops. Not gonna lie, I’ve enjoyed a Cops marathon or two but tbh it’s not something I was truly comfortable watching. It made me feel kind of icky at times. Like, I kind of hate watching confrontations between civilians and cops. It kinda gives me anxiety.

Now that reality cop shows are being taken down, the world seems to be questioning scripted cop dramas and comedies like Law and Order SVU and Brooklyn 9-9.

The thought is that these types of shows paint cops are heroes. They don’t depict the brutality we’re now seeing firsthand. And to that I say, Mariska Hargitay is my hero and you will not take her off air. That woman has been a constant positive impact on my television screen as long as I can remember.

I remember staying up past my bedtime to find out who killed who? Olivia Benson, always at the center of my favorite cases as I cuddled up next to my mom slightly scared but comforted by the sight of Benson and Stabler. The good cops.

Yes, there are very bad cops out there that need to be dealt with. But come on, what has Benson ever done to you? She has only ever tried to help. I’d say the majority of the police force reflects her character. They are good men and women seeking justice.

I get a little heated over this because someone was literally trying to get rid of the dog cop on Paw Patrol. Like, ya’ll really coming for a cartoon now? Really?

Removing images of positive police on TV isn’t going to solve our problems. Getting rid of bad police solves our problem. Getting rid of their “untouchable” stature solves our problem. Police should be held accountable for their actions. It’s a high-risk job. When they screw up, they should be punished.

So, while I can understand the removal of reality cop shows that show the actual interactions cops have with the public, scripted shows depicting good cops doing good things should be safe. Especially a freaking innocent cartoon.

It is worth noting that A&E does plan to bring Live PD back on air. The show’s host Dan Abrams said on Twitter:

“To all of you asking whether #LivePD coming back. . .The answer is yes. All of us associated with the show are as committed to it as ever. We are still discussing some specifics but I want to assure the #LivePDNation that we are not abandoning you.”

This is a huge mess. What do you all think? Can they take Law and Order SVU away from us?