Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Rachel Lindsay has definitely been the most outspoken star in Bachelor Nation when it comes to the topic of race. And as much as I think Rachel Lindsay really is superwoman, I feel bad that she is often the spokesperson for all black people in a franchise that can be so insensitive to race issues. As the franchise’s only black lead (but not for long. Shoutout Matt James), she must feel this heavy weight on her shoulders. It seems like a lot, especially during this particular time in history.

With that being said, Rachel Lindsay was on an episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and guest U.S. Senator Cory Booker. When Andy asked Rachel if she ever experienced racism while filming her season of The Bachelorette. Rachel said she experienced racist DMs after people learned she picked a man that wasn’t black. She said, “More so when it came to picking the men, and then at the end, my husband [Bryan Abasolo] is Colombian, so I got a lot of racism towards the fact that we were in an interracial relationship. Just a lot of nasty messages, trolling.”

But then she said, “I did have a racist contestant on my season.” She didn’t mention his name but our sleuth skills have you covered. His name is Lee Garrett.

Can we all just let out a collective: “Boooooo Lee

Ahhh that’s better.

Cory Booker then chimed in saying, “I just don’t like that they [ABC] might be opportunists and hype that storyline.”

Rachel didn’t defend the network but she stayed neutral cause you know she still collecting those checks from ABC with the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast, saying ABC admitted they didn’t do a good job vetting the contestants.

She went on to say, “Which is one of the things that I’m fighting for Matt James as the first Black Bachelor, for them to do a better job at vetting contestants. You need a person of color in the decision room making decisions so that doesn’t happen to them.”

But I’m gonna be 100 percent straight with ya’ll. The Bachelor producers are not stupid and if they took one look at this man’s Twitter account (which they obvi did), they would have seen the tweets I’m about to show ya’ll below.

And it’s not like this is an isolated incident and it was one tweet. Those screenshots show 14 insensitive/racist remarks between June and July 2016. Rachel’s season started filming in early 2017. Pretty sure he didn’t change the hate in his heart within a few months.

If you want a quick recap of the drama, The Insider has all the tea that went down after Lee’s “apology” at After the Final Rose.