• Tyler Cameron is casually Dating model Jilissa Ann Zoltko but he “doesn’t want anything serious”

  • She flew to meet him in his hometown Jupiter, Florida and is doing “normal things” with Tyler and his roommate Matt James.

Photo by Becca Schultz on Unsplash

What did I tell ya’ll yesterday? Tyler Cameron is dating (“or casually hanging out with”, same difference) model Jilissa Ann Zoltko. A source told ENews, “Tyler and Jilissa initially connected through social media. Tyler definitely showed interest in her and made a joke about coming out to Jupiter, Florida to visit him since she lives in Miami. Jilissa took him up on it and they have been hanging out these last few days.”

So, this is a casual situation and I imagine they dm’d a few times, he joked about her coming to visit him and then she showed up at his front door. Jk but seriously, if Tyler Cameron blinked in my direction, I’d be in Jupiter in a heartbeat hahaha.


“They have been hanging out at his house with his friend Matt and have been doing normal things like going on the boat, going out to eat and hanging out at the house. Tyler and Jilissa have good chemistry and make each other laugh. There’s a strong flirtation between them but Tyler doesn’t want anything serious.”

Apparently, the source says things are currently “casual” but Tyler and Jilissa are “definitely into each other.”

Can I mention that I don’t know what it is with women visiting this man in Jupiter, Florida? Hannah Brown recently spent time in Tyler’s hometown and was apart of The Quarantine Crew during the first few weeks of lockdown. This man has a gravitational pull. So much so, that women are willing to travel to visit him for days on end. Also, the responsible journalist in me has to mention that Tyler and Jilissa haven’t confirmed a relationship.

Do you think this will turn into something serious or is this temporary?