Photo by @MachineGunKelly on IG

I’m going to be honest with y’all: When I first heard about Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox back in June, I didn’t pay them any mind. After all, Megan had just separated from her FINE ASS husband of 10 years, Brian Austin Green, with whom she had 3 babies. I figured it was just a rebound situation, as I’m sure we all did. 

But like most things in Hollywood, they have continued to surprise me. Here we are, two entire months later, and they’re still going strong. In fact, over the weekend, MGK confirmed that he’s pretty much locked down to her forever.

While reading off some “thirst tweets” in a Buzzfeed YouTube video, he responded to a fan’s question about whether he’s free to date or not, saying “I’m locked in already right now. No dates for me probably ever.” 

Okay, Colson (that’s his government name if you didn’t know). I see you! 

It appears that these two, who met while filming the upcoming movie, “Midnight in the Switchgrass,” are quite enamored with one another. They also appeared together in the music video for his song, “Bloody Valentine” and looked, dare I say, cute together?

But this couple low key makes sense, right?

The way these two describe their relationship is otherworldly. Megan has always seemed more on the edgy side and MGK seems like the perfect compliment. But to be honest, I’m getting a Billy Bob Thorton/Angelina Jolie vibe here. Like they might end up wearing vials of the other’s blood around their neck as we all gawk at them in confusion and slight jealousy knowing they’re experiencing a love so overwhelming that we’ll never understand.

But this kind of feels like the Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson situation. Hot girl divorces hot husband. Hot girl moves on to another hot guy right after the divorce then breaks up with said hot guy after less than a year. Now, we don’t know how this relationship will play out but if history serves, we’ll be back with a break-up post before fall 2021.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if I’m right about this being just a rebound, or if they’re in it for the long haul. Until then, I hope Colson enjoys living the fantasy of anyone who was a teenager or young adult between 2007 and 2011. In case you didn’t know, Megan Fox has been THAT b*tch.