Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Looks like life was not so charmed for the Halliwell sisters after all. Rose McGowan (a.k.a. Paige) has had it with Alyssa Milano (Phoebe) politically, personally and professionally.

This is a scandal to top all scandals because I don’t know about you guys but tthe Charmed 3 was a pinnacle (just learned how to spell that today) part of my childhood. Nothing like a good Charmed marathon to get you through those slow summer days, amiright?

It All Started With Politics

You might be wondering how this all started and it seems the fourth Charmed sister was out on Twitter on an anti-Democrat crusade. That’s fine. To each his own but like when have people really had constructive conversations about politics over Twitter?

So, anyways Rose was coming for Alyssa politically because she said the Dems have done nothing for America. But then she started coming for her actual life and turned the argument personal. This was all after she promptly told Patricia Arquette to “F*k off”. Oh yeah, that happened too.

In probably the most shadiest of all the tweets, Rose retweeted a Twitter user that posted a photo showing Alyssa Milano had blocked her, saying “I made it”. Rose’s retweet was captioned #metoo. An obvious dig at Milano who reignited the #metoo movement started by Tarana Burke by tweeting out those very words, “Me too”, back in 2017.

Rose has a huge problem with how Alyssa has handled the #metoo movement saying in part, “You stole #metoo (a brilliant communication tool, not a movement) from Tarana. You co-opted my movement, the Cultural Reset, for fame, jealous of me for outing my rapist.”

But Rose didn’t stop there…

She went from Me Too and threw it all the way back two decades to their “Charmed” days saying, “You made 250k per week on Charmed”.

“You threw a fit in front of the crew, yelling, ‘They don’t pay me enough to do this sh*t!’ Appalling behavior on the daily. I cried every time we got renewed because you made that set toxic AF. Now, get off my coattails you fu**ing fraud.”

But honestly what got me was that horrendous gif Rose shared of Alyssa on the treadmill. I think that’s a shot from Insatiable on Netflix. Like, that is low down and dirty girl. I know there are some not so flattering images of you out there you don’t want Alyssa to share. But nonetheless it was hilarious and we’re here for the shadiness of it all.

Alyssa Milano has since pinned the following tweet to the top of her Twitter and it reads, “Commenting further doesn’t align with my wellness plan.”

Aside from tracking Alyssa down to ask for a loan, we’re about to get comfy, turn on TNT and start binging reruns of Charmed because I think it’s clear at this point we aren’t getting a reunion.