Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

The revenge thriller is a tried and tested formula that never disappoints. Well, almost never. But the latest entry in the genre is an intriguing trailer that seems to work on many different layers. Noomi Rapace and Joel Kinnaman star in the latest The Secrets We Keep trailer, and it’s definitely got my interest. 

The Secrets We Keep trailer showcases an extremely interesting premise. Most revenge thrillers lose steam because of a flimsy idea to base its story around. But no matter how this movie turns out, the story itself is incredibly strong. Set post-WWII, the trailer begins with Rapace as a woman living a normal life, despite the trauma she suffered during the war. However, a chance encounter with a neighbor in the small town she lives in, triggers that past trauma. Thinking that she’s come across one of the German soldiers who brutalized her and her family in the war, Rapace’s character kidnaps him, and holds him hostage in her house, seeking vengeance. 

While it can feel like the trailer for The Secrets We Keep gives a lot away, there is seemingly so much more to it. Things get interesting when Kinnaman’s supposed German soldier denies any involvement in Rapace’s character’s past. His denial seems to make everyone, including her husband, question her memory and intentions. Is she lying? Did her trauma cloud her judgment? Things spiral in the rest of The Secrets We Keep trailer as we begin to wonder who the bad guy really is. Especially seeing how Kinnaman’s character gets tortured, but still insists he’s innocent. 

The Secrets We Keep Trailer Has A Great Hook 

This flipping of the script and making the protagonist also seem like the villain is the best part of The Secrets We Keep trailer. Most revenge thrillers are pretty straight forward. Take a look at any Liam Neeson movie from the last 10 years. Bad things happen to the hero, and then he does worse to the villains, and it’s all justified because the hero has the moral high ground. In the case of this movie, the audience seemingly questions the righteousness of the supposed hero, Rapace’s character. While also doubting if the villain, Kinnaman’s character, is even that, to begin with. 

This dynamic makes the movie, which we can easily write-off as a B-thriller, that much more exciting and engaging. Rapace is one of those actors who gives great performances in anything she’s in. And Kinnaman is also an actor who commits to any role, despite the caliber and scope of the movie itself. Supported by Chris Messina who is another strong player, The Secrets We Keep is definitely a movie to look out for. 

The Secrets We Keep releases on September 16. 

So what did you think about The Secrets We Keep trailer? Let me know in the comments below.