Photo by Victoria Aleksandrova on Unsplash

Reese Witherspoon shared her breakfast smoothie recipe and thank God because there’s gotta be something to help get this quarantine-15 off. So, here I am, in the kitchen at 8 am, chopping up fruits and veggies all in an effort to get back into bend and snap shape. Because let’s just say quarantine has not been nice to me. But I think Elle Woods would be proud of my ability to make this decision and actually stick with it because generally, I am the kind of girl that really struggles with the decision between Chick-fil-a sauce and ketchup. So, we celebrate progress.

Before this smoothie, my total veggie intake for 2020 included the onions and bell pepper in the ground beef of my tacos. So, I’d say my body was in a little bit of shock when I started slurping up spinach like it owed me money.

The Official Ingredient List
  • 2 heads of romaine lettuce
  • 1/2 cup of spinach
  • 1/2 cup of coconut water
  • 1 whole banana
  • 1 whole apple
  • 1 whole pear
  • 1 whole lemon
  • Celery – optional
  • Almond butter – optional

This list seemed super daunting at first but I have to say after a week of chopping up pounds and pounds fruits and veggies, I found my grove. But keeping this up was a true test of my diligence.

The full list of benefits and my takeaways are below.

It Was a Lot of Chopping

Look, quarantine has taught me a lot. Like, maybe working from home isn’t my style and also, chopping fruits and vegetables for a smoothie every morning is a little much. I learned maybe I’m just a spinach and strawberry type of girl.

Just Keep It Simple

It feels like a lot of ingredients and I found myself revisiting the recipe quite a bit the first few days. But truly all you need is an apple, a pear, lemon, banana, and some spare greens. That’s it.

It Keeps Me Regular

Let’s just say, I was getting my uhhh… fiber. After drinking this in the morning, I was heading straight to the bathroom, you guys.

Don’t Add Celery

Sorry, Reese. But I mean, unless you really like celery. Even if you add the smallest bit, the taste is so strong that it doesn’t matter how much sugary fruits you add, it just tastes like a celery smoothie. Icky if you ask me.

I Ate Healthier Throughout the Day

Starting my day with healthy this healthy made me feel like a rich auntie and overall helped me treat my body better throughout the day.

It Was Actually Filling

I feel like the first couple of days, my stomach had to do some adjusting because I was starving after I finished the smoothies. But like magic, around day 3, my stomach was full after drinking. Not sure how that works but yeah.

The Overall Taste

If you make it right (like just make sure you don’t put too many veggies cause they will overpower the sweetness of the fruit), it actually tastes delicious. All the fruit really balances out the veggies and it’s very sweet. Kind of like me.