Photo by Masood Aslami on Unsplash

Don’t call it a comeback. And by comeback I mean, Jordyn Woods is dating an NBA player (yas sis) and well also Tristan Thompson (ew) is back in the Kardashian’s good graces.

We all remember the scandalous, scandal of 2019. Obviously, Jordyn crossed a line. But you’re telling me my feed is missing those BOMB Kylie + Jordyn pics and got replaced with that blonde girl with a name that sounds reasonable like Stacey but is actually something completely different and super uptight sounding, all for a kiss that was maybe consensual? I’m sorry but it ain’t good enough for me, dawg. And let me tell you why.

Yes, I was mad as hell when I learned Jordyn was all up on Khloe’s man. I was glued to the screen during that Red Table Talk just like you sis. But after watching I was more upset that Jordyn was sitting there taking all this shame for her worst moment of weakness and Tristan was probably at home being corny as hell, chatting up another female that was not Khloe, per usual.

I was upset with both parties involved. Because Tristan is a grown man and knew that girl was off-limits. And now that I see Khloe all buddy-buddy with Tristan my BS detector is going off like Beyonce in that elevator. Look, I know he’s True’s dad but you ain’t gotta be backin up all that fake booty on him like that.

So, I’m like dang Khloe. It was simple. He cheated and we all stood in solidarity with you. He kissed your little sister’s bestie and we stood in solidarity with you again. Now there are rumblings of Khloe and Tristan getting back together and sis can do whatever she  wants but I just want to know when I can expect Jordyn back on Kylie’s Insta. Let’s keep that same forgiving energy for her as well.

But we all know that ain’t happening. And since we won’t be celebrating a Kylie and Jordyn reunion anytime soon, we can celebrate Jordyn’s new man, Karl Anthony Towns! Get your man boo. Proof, that there is light after a storm.

As for Tristan, if you’ve seen the KUWTK season 18 sneak peek clip, you’ve seen Khloe questioning if Tristan will actually change for the better. Khloe    if you’re reading this it’s too late because he’s probably already infiltrated but run away sis. As an outsider looking in, that man is not what you want or need for your soul. But if you do take him back, please also relinquish Jordyn Woods from whatever hell you put her in. She deserves forgiveness too.