The world is divided on a lot of things right now but Michael B. Jordan as Sexiest Man Alive is not one of them. Truly don’t think I’ve agreed more with a recipient of this title, like ever. Granted, the decision has no real effect on my life but I think I took it personally when Blake Shelton got it a couple of years ago. I did not deem this man sexy and isn’t the Sexiest Man Alive supposed to be sexy to at least one person other than Gwen Stefani? I’m just saying. That’s her man and she can keep him.

Anyway, we’re talking about Michael B. Jordan. The honest question is why hasn’t he earned this title sooner? And how was he skipped over last year by John Legend? It’s truly astounding at the men that end up with this title. I’m sticking to my theory that whoever gets this title has the best publicist that year. Cause, in recent years some of the choices just don’t make sense. Like nobody is drooling over John Legend posters on their wall, right?

After one of the most tumultuous years, I think any of us have ever experienced, I think we’re all grateful the people over at People acted like they had some home training and finally gave us someone worthy of the title.

Let’s enjoy it while Michael B. Jordan has the crown because who knows what they will come up with next year.