Photo by shawnanggg on Unsplash

The impending doom of my 27th birthday really got me thinking. Am I, a girl that grew up on Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire but also equal parts obsessed with the “💀” emoji and middle parts, a true millennial?

Because sometimes it feels like people born between 1994-1998 are struggling to find a group to call home. Millennials were born between 1981-1996  but that’s a big range. Like, we remember pagers but weren’t old enough to actually own one. We had to struggle with Limewire (IYKYK) and Hit Clips before gaining such luxuries as Spotify. And can I even call myself a 90’s baby if the only memories I have from the 90s are blurry? Hazy at best.

I remember when my parents got AOL dial-up internet and cable. I used floppy disks and I can 100 percent guarantee, none of these Gen Zers have any idea what that even is.

I used the encyclopedias for research projects in elementary. That’s true warrior status right there!

I remember taking pictures on disposable cameras and going to Sam’s to get them developed hardly worrying about how they would look. We used to appreciate photos so much more back then and now I can hold my entire library of 40,000 photos in my hand.

I was content when Snake was the only form of entertainment on my Virgin Mobile Nokia brick phone. What a time to be alive, am I right?

They say one characteristic trait of Gen Zers is that they are digital natives, meaning they’ve never lived in a world without the internet being at their fingertips. And while I remember a time before the internet was mainstream, I feel like I’ve gotten to watch it grow and evolve into what it is today which is pretty cool.

So how do we rectify this section of humans that feel like they don’t belong? I think we need a new category called Millennial with Gen Z Tendencies. That way we can continue to compete for TikTok fame with a clear understanding of who we really are. I’m kidding. I’m a millennial and I am not actively seeking TikTok fame. pffft. I’m much more mature than that.

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