Photo by Ira Ostafiichuk on Unsplash

Gone are the days of swooning over Tyler Cameron’s hot bestie. The anonymity behind that tall, playful, drop-dead gorgeous man that slightly resembles Fro-Zone is gone. And what we’re left with is actually pretty sad. I see a man that is so emotionally damaged that he can’t love and is unable to accept love.

The truth is — I knew from the very beginning of this season Matt wasn’t going to end up with anyone. As soon as he uttered the words, “I’ve never been in love”, I felt triggered. It reminded me of so many f boys from the past. And not that Matt is an f boy because he genuinely seems like a nice guy but he just gave me the vibe of yeah I’m not really trying to settle down right now. Especially when he said something to the effect of, “I thought I was in love in the past but after reflection, I decided that wasn’t really love.” When I heard that, I said ok this man has some emotional trauma that he’s yet to deal with and he’s not going to be able to fall in love until he works through whatever it is. We finally saw a bit of that emotional trauma play out when he had that super uncomfortable conversation with his father. And I think that conversation is what solidified my feeling that he wasn’t going to pick anyone to marry. His father being absent really affects his emotional stability and I truly think he needs therapy before he can really fall in love.

The veil has been lifted and we can now see Matt for who he really is. And what we now know is he has never been ready for love. When his brother (who, before he smiled, I literally thought was Colin Kaepernick) said he had never seen Matt with a woman, I just thought that was problematic. You’re 28 years old and you’ve never brought a female home or mentioned the women you’re dating to your family. Matt said he thought he was in love in the past but after reflection, he realized it wasn’t love. So, if you thought you were in love, why didn’t you introduce your family to this girl? You know what I mean. Like, the fact that he hadn’t done that confirmed that he was right to reaccess those relationships and realize he had never been in love.

But what really did it for me was how Matt treated these women’s hearts. It seemed like he went into the process with the best intentions and he even prayed over the women on night 1. Like, that was historic and I thought maybe, just maybe, he has a shot. But the way he handled these women specifically Michelle during their break up, I just can’t understand what he was thinking. Michelle admitted on AFR that she asked producers if she could have a 2 minute conversation with Matt to get closure and he denied her. Like, if you truly had feelings for this woman, why would you not give her the closure she was looking for?

And then there’s Rachael. Look, Rachael made a mistake. She went to a racially insensitive party 3 years ago and she didn’t realize that it was something that might hurt anyone. Which, to be honest, I totally get. She apologized to Matt and also publically but Matt, for some strange reason is expecting Rachael to understand his plight as a black man. But she’s white. She’ll never. understand fully. It’s your job as her fiance to be there for her and work through difficult moments. This was a difficult moment so if you love her like you claimed, why can’t you help her navigate these conversations if you’re truly committed to one another. Because, it’s not like Rachael was out here hanging black people by a tree. She literally didn’t understand that she did something racially insensitive and tbh I think we’ve all been there no matter our race. There are things we have to learn and work through and that’s okay. It doesn’t make us racist. So, if we truly have all the information, I do not understand how Matt just dropped this girl that he loved.

Also, how did Matt forgive Hannah B. and still be friends with her but not forgive Rachael? If you remember Hannah said the N-word on IG Live a while back and apparently she has also attended one of these Antellebellum-themed parties. If you are letting the love of your life go over attending a party then how do you forgive Hannah and rant and rave about what go a friend she is? To me, it feels like it’d be harder to forgive a friend than a lover. But that’s just me.

Before the Bachelor, I really thought Matt was this fun, quirky guy. And I still think he is (even though Bachelor edited out his entire personality). I understand that everyone has a past and he’s got daddy issues but like, what he did to these girls was savage bruh. I just don’t think he was ready to give his entire heart to somebody which is why this ended badly.

But I do feel bad for him and his mental health as a whole. It seems like he’s really struggling emotionally and I hope he’s able to work through all those past traumas so he can have a successful relationship in the future.

What do you guys think? Leave your comments below. How did you feel about this season?