Where were you when Bennifer got back together? Personally, I was sitting on the couch minding my business contemplating how to get the rest of this quarantine weight off. I turned on the TV to see Jenny from the Block chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool with her most iconic ex, Ben Affleck. And it really got me thinking is getting back with your ex really the move?

Listen, I have not one ex that I would dare revisit. The decisions I made and the treatment I accepted before my husband… oh chile, no. But my exes and JLo’s exes are two verrrrry different groups of people, amiright? Like, JLo has got a slew of high-value men in her past while ya girl was literally pulling dudes out of dumpsters.

So, for me, it’s a no. I would NEVER return to an ex. But I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility for somebody like JLo or literally anybody that made better choices than me. In this instance, JLo literally was engaged to Batman (not the best Batman if you know what I mean but he was Batman to say the least.) So, is this a good move?

Obviously, there are a lot of things at play here.

First, we have the time that has passed. It’s been nearly 20 years since these two were a couple and I just feel like they have both lived so much life, gotten married, had children, and have leveled up in their careers as well (did I mention the Batman thing?)

Secondly, they were engaged which means at some point they saw marriage potential in each other. Their breakup was never malicious. In fact, they have continued to say nothing but nice things about each other in the press since their split. So, assuming the breakup was a clean one, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t revisit the relationship.

Lastly and most obviously, they are rich. I know they say money can’t buy happiness but as I sit here wondering if I should cancel my Hulu Live subscription to save $70 a month, I can 100 percent confirm I’d be happier with more money. I think that they are able to take vacations and galavant in Montana and Miami or wherever they’re going next is a luxury most of us don’t have and will help them to reconnect.

So, is going back to your ex a smart move? If you’re JLo and Ben Affleck, the answer is a hard yes. But as for me and my house, we would never in a million years.