Ok, so I’m not gonna lie and act like I’m an expert on The Hills or Laguna Beach. I am not. On paper, I do not care that Kristin Cavalleri met up with her ex-boyfriend. That headline bores me actually. What I care about is the fact that Jay Cutler, Kristin’s ex-husband, deleted his Instagram shortly after her post with Stephen went live. That is some tea and that is what we’re gonna talk about.

Kristin and Stephen’s (very brief) Relationship Recap

But first, if you have no idea who I’m talking about, I’ll give you the absolute basic details. All I know is that Kristin and Stephen were an item for a long time back in Laguna Beach days. This was pre-Kardashians. The drama was huuuuge. I was too busy watching Disney Channel to acknowledge this drama at the time. Like, I heard about it but really did not care at the time.

Back To Jay’s Response…

My initial thought is that Jay did not want to deal with the drama. Right? Like he doesn’t live a very public life. Besides the reality show (which he was probably forced into filming) with Kristin, Jay seems very chill and laid back. It’s quite possible he didn’t want to have to deal with the snarky comments people would send his way.

Or… it could be the fact that this divorce is all so new. Is it even final? If it is, the ink on the paper isn’t even dry. And that’s no dig at Kristin. Girl can do whatever her heart desires but maybe it was too much for Jay to learn Kristin was “moving on” (I put moving on in quotes because chances are they aren’t dating and just very good friends. Because honestly — who posts a grainy af pic with their ex to announce to the world that they’re back together after an entire decade. That just doesn’t seem like the move.)

The thing is, deactivating Instagram is such a bold move, right? There’s always the less abrasive approach of just deleting the app and coming back when it all blows over. But I’m like maybe he didn’t want to have to deal with the comments being there when he returned. But then I’m like, why didn’t he just turn off comments?

I guess at the end of the day, it all accomplishes the same goal, right? He got the app out of his view for a while.

And honestly, we have no idea if this is the reason he deleted the app in the first place. I could be something completely unrelated that just coincided with the Kristin and Stephen news. Truth is — this whole thing has made me want to binge Laguna Beach. Starting to think I missed some really good reality TV.