Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I swear Nick Cannon had 2 kids when the pandemic started and now he’s about to have his 7th. First— wth is going on and is he okay? Second— are these women deaf and/or dumb? 

Because in order for all this to happen Nick has been more than just a rolling stone but something more reminiscent of a psycho. 

I’m gonna try and break this down for you but even I’m confused and that says a lot. 

Okay, so first we know he had twins, Monroe and Moroccan with Mariah Carey. We love the sanctity of marriage. 

Next, he had a baby with model Brittany Bell in 2017. Their son Golden is now 4 (so he had three kids pre-pandemic). 

This is where things get tricky. And by tricky I mean I am literally having to count the months on my fingers to see how much time passed while one woman was pregnant before he thought it was a good idea to impregnate someone else. 

Okay, so in Decmember 2020 Nick welcomed a daughter, Powerful Cannon, again with his second baby mama, Brittany Bell. Sounds tame and normal, right? Absolutely not! Because 6 months later in June 2020, a new woman, Abby De la Rosa, had Nick’s twins. 

So that means, while Brittany was 3 months pregnant, he was in the streets. And I think since his divorce from Mariah ( can we talk about how lucky he got with her?), monogamy had been very, very, very far from Nick Cannon’s vocabulary. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Literally, YESTERDAY, While the internet was posting articles saying Abby de la Rosa and Nick Cannon were currently together, we find out he has a new “girlfriend” a.k.a baby mama, Alyssa Scott and she appears to be very pregnant with Nick’s 7th baby. Which means he got 3 women pregnant in a pandemic. I mean, it’s kind of impressive when you think about it. 

A lot of people lost their jobs during the pandemic but Nick Cannon stayed busy, do you hear me? Pandemic who? Let’s get it in!!  

Congratulations to Alyssa and whoever else will pop up in a few months with his baby. Procreation for the win 😂