Nick Cannon probably thinks I’m crazy for getting married at 23 based on his recent comments in an interview on The Breakfast Club. I’m not shocked but let me tell you he wouldn’t be wrong to think it was crazy because sometimes I think it’s crazy too.

Sometimes I have these moments where I look at my life and say “wow, I’m (insert thing I’m amazed at and often take for granted) for example, I often think to myself “omg I’m literally married”. Like huh?!

As I look at the world around me in which everyone, old and young, is looking for love, I realize I roll over every morning next to the love of my life. That’s crazy. I’m 27 and I’m already in the thick of marriage. It shouldn’t feel that weird because I always knew I’d get married one day but never did I imagine I’d be fresh out of college walking down the aisle. The amount of things I didn’t know about myself, and to be honest, the amount of things I didn’t know about my husband is actually a little scary. But we learn more about each other every day and I guess that’s the beauty of choosing your person so early in life. And I’ll say CHOOSE again real loud for y’all because it’s a choice to love the same person every day for the rest of your life. 

Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

That beauty is something Nick obviously overlooks and finds in his kids.

“The beauty of fatherhood, man, when you really talk about the essence of living as a father, I’ve learned so much just from my children. And it’s so amazing. And I really just love being around my kids and just that youthful energy.”

I don’t know why you need 4 baby mamas to understand the essence of living as a father but ok.

Also, I don’t think we needed this entire interview dedicated to Nick Canon’s view on marriage considering his um… interactive 2020. What else did we expect from this man? Like when you hear Nick Cannon has finally released his thoughts on marriage what would you expect to hear? This is very on par with my original thoughts so yeah Nick Cannon not believing in marriage checks out.

As for me, never in a million years did I think marriage would be what it is and honestly thank God for that because my young mind couldn’t comprehend what “for better or for worse” really meant. And there’s something beautiful about loving someone through all the changes life throws at you. 

But good for Nick for understanding what works for him and being upfront with all these women. But here’s the real question. How many kids do you think Nick will have?