Photo by Thiébaud Faix on Unsplash

Scott Disick is salty, Younes is a snitch and Kourtney… well sis is living her best life traveling tongue effing her way through Italy with her manssss Travis Barker. And while it must feel like a dream to have your exes fighting over you while you’re literally in paradise with your soulmate, this whole Scott thing has got to be weighing on our sis Kourtney. 

When the father of your children is literally obsessed with you but not enough to do the things you asked him to do to make the relationship work, I mean, like at some point he’s gotta give it up cause Travis sure is giving IT to Kourtney if you know what I’m saying and I’m sure you do. We’re all adults. 

Now, let’s break down the dm heard round the world. Younes posted this alleged dm from Scott to his IG story and it went like:

SCOTT: “Yo is this chick ok!????? Brooo like what is this. In the middle of Italy” 

Oh really Scott, it’s bothering you that she’s kissing her boyfriend in the middle of Italy. Well, I would like to pull up Exhibit A: (except I can’t pull it up because the image is copyrighted so you’ll have to click this link to see) Scott making out with Sophia in Venice. Because last time I checked Scott HAS BEEN gallivanting around the world with these pre-teens for years sooooo… I’m not sayin you a hypocrite but…

 *say that last line to the tune of Golddigger please, please please

Ok let’s continue with the dm exchange.

YOUNES: “Don’t matter to me as long as she’s happy. PS: i aint your bro.”

So do we think these are Younes’s true feelings or did he reply like the supportive ex because he had his index finger on that lower volume button and his thumb on that lock screen button ready to take a screenshot? I’m just sayin. Because what he could have done was not reply at all. But you know that would be too much like right and much less shady.

But also Scott is literally obsessed with Kourtney so idk maybe Younes is that mature and has moved on like a normal human being and Scott is the insane one stuck on his baby mama. I think I’m gonna go with the latter but I like to give you guys options.

Also, I’m not sure what’s shadier, Scott sending this dm to Younes (the man he publicly denounced while he dated Kourtney) or Younes sharing the dm. Like, y’all both messy af for this. Meanwhile, Kourtney’s probably unbothered on her 3rd big O of the day.

Wow I used to so team Kourtney and Scott but geez idk you guys I think the tides are turning and I’m starting to understand Kourtney’s annoyance with him and his inconsistencies.

What do you think? Are you still team Kourtney and Scott?