Photo by Veronika Bykovich on Unsplash

It’s been one of those days where I accidentally strut into a Sex and the City marathon. You know how it goes—the network kicks off with an episode, and before you can say Manolo Blahnik, you’re knee-deep in the fabulous chaos. Hours fly, the sun bids adieu, and there I am, pondering why Carrie cheated on Aiden, questioning why Miranda let Blair Underwood slip away, and seriously side-eyeing Berger’s post-it note breakup. But hey, let’s snap our Bradshaw heels and dive back in.

No doubt, the ladies of Sex and the City had a love life as bustling as Fifth Avenue! Here’s a chic round-up of my favorite relationships from the series—so grab a Cosmopolitan and get ready for a strut down memory lane.

9. Carrie and Petrovsky

It felt like the start of a grand romance. At first, he was able to rival Mr. Big for Carrie’s heart. But when he clashed with her friends and then took off to Paris, it all unraveled for these two. In another world, perhaps, but this ship didn’t sail.

8. Charlotte and Trey

They were my shoe-in favorite in the beginning, but when Trey’s mom became the real heel, I sensed their fate was in jeopardy. Plus, Trey’s reluctance about kids was a fashion faux pas. He was a decent guy, just not the perfect fit for Charlotte.

7. Miranda and Robert

When Blair Underwood popped up on my screen as Miranda’s love interest Robert, my jaw hit the floor. They had a good run but ultimately her enduring love for Steve ultimately unraveled them. And onto the next couple we go…

6. Miranda and Steve

Ah, the classic saga: Guy adores girl, but girl’s not entirely sold. They split, then fall madly in love again and reunite. Miranda and Steve—talk about a rollercoaster! Through the highs and lows, they were constants in each other’s lives. From Miranda’s mom’s funeral to Steve’s battle with testicular cancer, these two were destined to weather life’s storms together.

5. Samantha and Smith

What started as a seemingly fleeting romance turned into a love story for the ages. Initially, it felt like a short-lived fling, destined to last a season or two. But Smith and Samantha defied the odds, deeply in love and standing the test of time. Smith’s unwavering support during Samantha’s battle with cancer was a tear-jerking testament to their bond. His gesture of shaving his head so she wouldn’t feel alone—seriously, cue the tears every time.

4. Carrie and Aidan

It’s a touchy subject, but let’s be real—Carrie’s actions didn’t do justice to Aidan’s goodness. The way she shattered his heart by cheating with Big—that’s hard to forget. They seemed picture-perfect, but their love story just couldn’t find its footing.

3. Carrie and Big

Their love story was a rollercoaster ride with sky-high peaks and rock-bottom lows. I mean, getting stood up at the altar? That’s an ego hit I’m not sure anyone could easily bounce back from. But let’s not forget that moment in Paris when Big finally declared Carrie as “the one.” That was a swoon-worthy, heart-melting moment.

2. Charlotte and Harry

They were an unexpected gem among the chaos. Charlotte endured so much pain and heartache with Trey, but in the end, it was all a stepping stone. Without that relationship’s end, she wouldn’t have found the man of her dreams—the one who’d become the loving father of her children. Adorable, right?

1. The Girls!

Absolutely! Among all the romantic entanglements, let’s not forget the cornerstone of the show—the unbreakable bond between Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte. Their friendship was the beating heart that kept the show pulsating with life.