Photo by Matthew Moloney on Unsplash

It was the most scandalous week of my life. I was 13 and my best friend’s ex asked me to be his girlfriend. Mind you I wasn’t allowed to date and no guy had ever given me attention before this moment. So, I said yes. All was well until my mom found out and made us break up a week later. Nothing happened. We never even kissed or went on a date. But I realized as I was judging Cassie for being a backstabbing beotch that I’d done the same thing back then. Obviously not as intense but looking back that was lowkey a betrayal on my part.

Anyway, if you’re up-to-date with Euphoria, you know Nate Jacobs is secretly hooking up with Cassie, his ex-girlfriend’s best friend. Listen, obviously, it’s a break in girl code on Cassie’s part, but like, have ya’ll seen this man? It’s wrong but I can easily see how it could happen. Especially at this high school when inhabitations are low and everybody is always drunk or high.

Rue’s sad attempt to avoid an impromptu intervention in the last episode caused this secret affair to become not so secret anymore. After running through traffic high as a kite, she lands at her best friend’s house where she finds all her friends hanging out, including Maddy and Cassie. Rue is clearly going through withdrawal as she sifts through her friend’s bathroom for pills. When Rue’s mom shows up, she deflects by asking Cassie, “how long have you been fu*king Nate Jacobs?“. Yikes. Maddy explodes obviously.

*side note*

Raise your hand if an image of Nate Jacobs ever just randomly pops into your head? My goodness. That man is a gift to this Earth and it’s no wonder he has options. I’m surprised he’s only entertaining 2 women at the moment.

*side note over*

Clearly, this secret would have been exposed eventually. I have been on pins and needles waiting to see how it would unfold all season. Because whatever you do in the dark, comes to light gets told by a drug addict at an intervention.

What storylines are you looking forward to this season?