Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Less than. Unable. Not a real woman it seems.⁣⁣
It’s like everyone has one. Even two or three.⁣⁣
But here I am under the covers asking God, “why me?”⁣⁣
Why is this my burden? I’m just trying to see.⁣⁣
It seems so simple.⁣⁣
1+1 should equal 3.⁣⁣
I know He’s able so I look to The Holy Trinity. ⁣⁣
I may never understand. His plan is beyond comprehension.⁣⁣
All I know is He designed my path before my conception.⁣⁣
A union no man can separate led to a yearning no one prepared me for. ⁣⁣
There’s nothing anyone can say as I cry in the bathroom stall.⁣⁣
The two week wait. I know it all too well.⁣⁣
Every twinge of pain, every cramp, I try not to dwell.⁣⁣
But it’s always Mother Nature knocking on the door.⁣⁣
Bringing forth her gift nobody asked her for.⁣⁣
I weep so loud that it barely makes a sound.⁣⁣
My God. Can you even hear me? Are you even around?⁣⁣
Did I do something to deserve this or was this your plan all along?⁣⁣
I hear you whisper, “Child, just hold on.”⁣⁣
So I tell Him everything.⁣⁣
About how they say “just stop thinking and it will happen.”⁣⁣
Because that’s like telling a turtle “just run a little faster.”⁣⁣
It consumes my mind. Because why would He give me this desire?                ⁣⁣
My clock is ticking and the want is burning inside me like a fire.⁣⁣
A flame that can’t be waved away.⁣⁣
I am completely and utterly drained.⁣⁣
But just like Sarah, Rebekah, and Hannah withstood, ⁣⁣
I too heard you when you said, “all things work together for good.”⁣⁣
So I’ll keep marching on and calling on His name.⁣⁣
In these moments, He’s all that I crave.⁣⁣
The Creator of the Universe. A mighty God I serve.⁣⁣
Actually, He’s given me more than I deserve.