Photo by Mustafa Omar on Unsplash

Babies are great. Trust me, I’ve only been trying to make one for the past 3 years. And for those of you that have no idea, that means lots of unprotected sex and just as much googling about if that tickle in my side might be a baby. But don’t feel bad for me. Really. I’m 26, got married to my hubby at 23, bought a house with said husband at 25 and we’ve got lots of plant babies that give me an overwhelming sense of happiness every time they sprout new growth. Point is, babies are a blessing and even though my stomach turns for .5 seconds every time I see a generic “Baby Smith Coming 2021” post on Facebook from a girl I could barely tolerate in high school, I am truly excited by the thought of a new life entering the world.

And if any celeb couple is going to have another child, I have to say I am so glad it’s John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, if not for the sheer fact they give their children the most beautiful (Luna) and historic (Miles) names and I’m just very interested in what their third child’s name will be.

I’m feeling Harriet or Harry. So, we’re naming this child after an American Abololitionist and Political Activist or the most polarizing member of One Direction. Yeah, I think those are solid options. So, John, Chrissy, if you’re reading no charge if you go with my names.

And in case you were wondering, we got wind of a pregnancy after watching John’s new video for “Wild” which stars Chrissy Teigen. Peep a still from the music video released today.

And if you decide a third baby is too much to handle, I’ll adopt that perfectly tanned, sultry-voiced, hilarious model crooner. No problem at all.

Congratulations John and Chrissy!