My body that you once called home is shrinking. My organs returning to their original position.

I am healing and adjusting to life with you outside my body all while trying to care for you.

Life around me keeps moving but I physically can’t. It feels like I’m not doing enough.

Thank God for my village.

The amount of support I’ve gotten from other moms was unexpected. Thank you for reaching out and checking on me.

The reality of childbirth was traumatic for both of us. I can’t even walk up the stairs. Things that used to be easy are no longer that way.

We’ve been in this together for 39 weeks and now I have to share you with the rest of the world.

That last push was was both the hardest and easiest thing I’ve ever done.

Watching you exit the only home you ever knew was a relief but little did I know I was trading pregnancy for postpartum. One pain for another. One joy for the next.

Can’t believe I created a human being and birthed him.

We’re a family of 3 now 🤯

Being your mommy is the best thing I’ve ever done ☺️