Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Four months postpartum. And in the words of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran – Everything Has Changed. Life is a beautiful chaos. Sleepless nights have given way to a new rhythm where baby giggles and milestones provide boundless joy. My body, once a vessel of creation, slowly reclaims its strength, as the postpartum journey continues. There are days when exhaustion creeps in, but the love for my little one keeps me going. Emotions fluctuate, from overwhelming love to moments of doubt. In the midst of diaper changes and baby coos, I find pockets of time for self-care, savoring a hot shower or a brief solo outing. So far, motherhood, with all its challenges, is a journey of endless growth and tender moments.

I used to always here people say, “I don’t remember what life was like before”. But I do. I used to be able to walk out and get in my car in less than 30 seconds. Now, a trip just to get Starbucks is a thought out process. I must consider every possibility. Always grab an empty bottle with formula prepped just in case. Must have the diaper bag at all times. I must always and I mean always must have a change of clothes because the moment I don’t is when we have a massive blowout situation.

What I’m getting at is, life before him was honestly a selfish existence. And that’s not a bad thing. Motherhood has expanded what I thought I was capable of. Caring for someone else more than myself. Yes, marriage was a gateway to this there’s nothing like having a little human rely on you for everything to survive. It’s changed me for the better. I love him more than I can explain.