Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

What are your plans this Thanksgiving? Trevor and I are headed to his sister’s house. My parent are coming and my in-laws. It’s gonna be a party. Everyone is in charge of bringing something and this year we’re bringing the mac and cheese! Trevor has made it before but this is my first time.

I am so proud of myself you guys because mac and cheese is a staple at Black gatherings. This is the recipe I used. I wanted something creamy and baked so I could get that little crust on top. Fair warning I added double the salt it called for because you know black people love salt. I’ll let ya’ll know how it goes over with everyone lol.

Last year at Thanksgiving we announced our pregnancy to our family and friends so this is such a memorable time. We plan to watch the video of us telling everyone this year and that puts me in all my feels.

Our 6th wedding anniversary is Saturday so we are last minute planning something to do. Still have no idea what we’re doing lol. I will keep you guys updated.

It’s time to whip out the beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes.

The SKIMS semi-annual sale is here! Everything is selling out quickly so run, do not walk to check out my favorite picks from the sale!

If you’re looking for something to binge on your day off, Survival of the Thickest was a cute quick binge I recently enjoyed. First Wives Club is a spin-off of the movie and has 3 seasons and I watched them all in a week lol.

Some podcasts to listen to once you’ve had enough of family and settled into being a recluse in the back room.

Every year we go around and say what we’re thankful and this year I think it’s obvious. So thankful for my little blessing and the joy he has brought to our lives. So thankful that God saw fit to make us his parents. I still think back to balling my eyes out one night thinking I was starting my cycle and the next day taking a pregnancy test and it was positive. God is always working in the midst of it all. So thankful.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34