Photo by Bekky Bekks on Unsplash

It’s been 17 years since I first heard “Teardrops on My Guitar and that song still has me in a chokehold. I shed tears listening to “Fifteen”, danced around my bedroom to “Mine” and remember vividly seeing Taylor for the first and only time when I was just a bright-eyed 15-year-old. It’s like I was enchanted (see what I did there?)

BUT I am now a 29-year-old woman and cannot fathom staying in the same, perpetual state of pettiness this woman so clearly revels in. And I know all artists pull from their life experiences to create. Totally normal. But as I reflect, my goodness, this woman has created albums hit pieces on every ex she’s ever had (except Taylor Launter. They seem to be good.) I think in my younger days it was cute right? Like oh-em-gee Joe Jonas is such a loser for dumping her on a 27-second phone call. It was giving high drama. An album for high school girls to get ready to in the locker room, ya know?

I truly enjoyed all the shenanigans back then. The 27-second call, the scarf, decoding lyrics on the album cover. It was all veryyyy, well, high school. To know she’s pulling the same BS, I just can’t for the life of me figure out why an almost 34-year-old woman is going on dinner dates with Sophie Turner the same week she and Joe announced their divorce. Like girl, you dated this man when you were 19-years-old for THREE MONTHS. He was MARRIED to this woman and they had children. Grow up! That goes for Sophie too. But I guess the fact that Sophie accepted these dinner dates (assuming Taylor reached out, because come on) shows her level of childishness as well.

I’m just thinking, if I was worried about my ex from when I was 19, we’d be in prison somewhere because last time I checked that man was in jail. Like come on, our past is our past was a reason. It’s sad but when I take a step back and review her career, while she is a talented songwriter. and businesswoman, Taylor Swift is not who young women should aspire to. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll belt out all 10 minutes of All To Well with the best of them. I’m legit a fan. But I think this is a case of separating the artist from the art. Because I can’t justify her actions anymore.

Getting into high profile relationships for attention and to stay relevant is a cute game in your 20s but you’re almost 34-years-old and you haven’t evolved or grown out of the childish behavior. She may be my senior but I feel as though I’ve surpassed her in maturity. Again, great music. Immature person.

Also I’d like to add, Joe Alwyn was the best thing that could’ve happened to her. For six years, the pettiness took a hiatus. She was happy and finally acting her age. I thought maybe she’d changed. But as soon as they broke up, she was back at it, hopping into her current rendezvous with Travis Kelce. All for clout, all for the next album, which, obviously, I’ll have on full blast because, let’s be real, I want the tea. Ugh, she’s good. So, maybe I’m the problem. I want the pettiness to stop but the music is just too good and never goes out of style. It’s like a car crash where you can’t look away. I’m sure there’s more content here where I can unpack why I am both fascinated and appalled by her behavior but I’ll save that for a later date.

Until then, don’t forget on Wednesdays We Blog. See ya next week!