Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

My creative flame has been reignited, and although I can’t predict its duration, I’m committed to pouring my all into Making Fetch while the fire still burns. Here I am, giving this another go, guided by my inner child—embracing a space of unabashed belief in myself, unburdened by fear or shame. I’m incorporating the wisdom I’ve gained as an adult, recognizing that it’s irrelevant whether those around me comprehend the vision God has given me. It’s about honoring my journey, trusting in my creativity, and staying true to the spark that fuels my passion.

The past five years have been an adventure trying to make my digital footprint in this online world. It’s wild how the time flies, filled with moments of crystal-clear vision and sparks of creative fire, alongside periods where that magic seems to elude me. I think it’s natural to feel hesitant about resurfacing after a hiatus, fearing judgment or thinking people might dismiss my return.

There’s this odd worry that creeps in—will they think I’m foolish for trying again? It’s a self-imposed pressure, thinking others might scoff at my attempt to pick up where I left off six months ago. But then, I find solace in my own experiences as a follower. When creators I admire resurface after a pause, I’m genuinely thrilled, eager to embrace their content again.

So, if you’re wrestling with these same anxieties, let this be the gentle nudge you need. It’s time to reclaim your creative space, pick up that metaphorical pen, and give it all you’ve got. You deserve to give voice to your ideas, regardless of any perceived judgment. It’s about showing up for yourself, nurturing your creativity, and honoring your journey—however inconsistent it may seem. Remember, sometimes the return can spark even greater enthusiasm and connection.

So here’s to shaking off the hesitation and diving back in. Let your creative energy flow, share your authentic self, and remember: you’re not alone in this journey. You’re part of a community that celebrates and welcomes your voice. Embrace your comeback with confidence, and you might just find that your reentry inspires and excites others just as much as it does you.