Trevor and I are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary and to celebrate we dug up our old texts from after our first date in January 2016. We started dating/talking (what’s the difference lol) in November 2015 but we were long-distance so we didn’t get to meet until January 2016 when I was in Houston for a wedding and that’s when we had our first date. My family and I were staying at a hotel so when he came to pick me up, he met my mom, dad and little brother lol. It is crazy looking back. everything was so fast-tracked because 6 months later we were engaged.

When he dropped me off after the date I remember being so nervous. I don’t even think we hugged. So, when I texted him after to say I had a good time, I was on pins and needles.

Also, the fact that we had so many communications through Snapchat is killing me.

Trevor always says that I am his answered prayer. He’s mine as well. And to think now we have Ezra, our sweet blessing. It’s just a testament to the power of God.

Photo is from our second date in Waco.

We love, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19, NASB)