Photo by Gert Stockmans on Unsplash

Seems like the friend group chat is blowing up every day with news of another Hollywood divorce. It’s gotten to the point that I’m not even shocked anymore. I mean just take a look at this list of Hollywood splits in 2023. It’s out of hand. And if I have to read another joint statement citing the quintessential irreconcilable differences caused by hectic schedules, I might just scream.

The Hollywood spotlight often casts an illuminating, yet at times, puzzling glow on the cultural landscape that surrounds us. Take, for instance, the recent headlines buzzing around Chris Appleton’s divorce, an unexpected plot twist just after his on-screen “I do’s” on the Kardashians. This shocking turn of events had me wondering: why is the divorce rate skyrocketing, not just in Hollywood but across the board?

Marriage, once a sacred union symbolizing the intertwining of two souls into one, seems to have evolved in contemporary times. The essence of unity and resilience, where two individuals embark on a journey together, appears somewhat diluted amidst the complexities of modern life. The notion of “two becoming one” seems overshadowed by individual aspirations and instant gratification.

Somewhere along the way, the steadfast commitment through thick and thin, the promise to weather storms together, has somewhat faded. In a world characterized by instant fixes and fleeting connections, the sanctity of staying united through trials and tribulations often appears lost.

The societal shifts towards individualism and self-fulfillment might have contributed to this shift. The pressures of personal growth and self-discovery sometimes seem to overshadow the strength derived from standing united, hand in hand, amidst challenges.

However, despite these societal evolutions, the essence of marriage remains a beacon of hope—a symbol of unwavering companionship and mutual support. It’s a reminder that through dedication and understanding, the true essence of two becoming one still holds immense value, nurturing a bond that withstands the tests of time.