Weekend highlight: Ezra slept through the night! We also got to see some friends who also have a baby who is 10 months old. Nothing like seeing a baby who is a little more advanced than yours to inspire you. I love seeing them because we get to compare notes and get advice from the perspective of new parents with an older baby.

One of the things we talked about was a noise machine to help baby sleep. I had the Hatch Rest+ we were gifted from our registry set up in his room but I never really set a sleep schedule on it so on Saturday I finally learned how to work the Hatch. I set a sleep schedule with lights and sounds. It was kind of fun for me and I hope he enjoys it haha. It’s nice to have an idea of when he should be falling asleep/waking up on a day-to-day basis. Some days I figure the times will fluctuate but that’s ok!

So, on Saturday when it was time, I nursed baby to sleep and put him in his crib around 9:15 pm. I ran downstairs to hang out with hubby and we ended up watching TV until 3 am with maybe an hour power nap for both of us at different times lol. Hubby went upstairs to check on baby and ended up waking him up on accident at 3:30 am. Trevor went to bed since he was supposed to work in the morning then me and Ez played, nursed and laughed until he went back to sleep at around 4:30 am. Of course, I couldn’t sleep so I’ve been awake ever since except for maybe an hour nap around 7 am.

I woke up at 8 am with Trevor holding Ezra in my face because he was ready to eat lol. But turns out hubby took some time off to help me out since I was so tired and needed some rest. Have I taken that rest? No. Because I’m a mom well that’s just how it goes. It has been nice to have a little help with naptime and diaper changes.

Moral of the story is (not sure if you caught it) Ezra slept a full 6 hours, which is considered sleeping through the night. Now, he probably would have slept longer had his dad not woken him up but I digress. We’ll try again tonight and see if we can last a little longer.

Also from this weekend, Saturday night I started to feel horrible. I thought I was coming down with something. I prayed so hard that God would heal my body and He did ya’ll! I took a COVID test the day after to make sure and it was negative. All praise to God! His mercy endures forever!

“I thank You, Lord, for You answered me; You have [always] been my Savior” – Psalm 118:21.

P.S. If you’re looking for a Christmas gift I really highly recommend this laundry detergent and scent boosters from Bath and Body Works. They have so many scents but the one I linked, Sunwashed Santal, is my absolute favorite. Trust me.

Enjoy these photos from an impromptu photoshoot Trevor had with Ez. Here’s the link to his corduroy jumpsuit. It’s on sale!