I can’t help but wonder, how are we just standing by, watching these tiny humans grow up before our eyes? The changes sneak in like a magician’s trick. One day, the clothes are swallowing them whole, and the next, that adorable sweater barely fits. It’s like these little beings hold the secret to a time machine, fast-forwarding through the growing-up part while we’re tangled in the chaos of life.

I often find myself wondering if there’s a missing chapter in the parenting manual—perhaps one on slowing down the speed dial of childhood? But amidst this whirlwind of change, there’s a magical beauty in witnessing their growth, in seeing them bloom into their unique personalities, reaching each milestone with such enthusiasm.

Yet, it’s bittersweet, wanting to savor every moment while desperately grasping at the vanishing snippets of their childhood. It’s an enchanting mix of pride in their evolution and a secret wish to press pause, if only for a moment longer. So, here we stand, cheering them on, while silently wishing they’d hit the snooze button on growing up.

Speaking of alarm clocks, mine has been replaced with a pint-sized human. Here I sit, in the nursery at 6 am, my peaceful slumber disrupted for a 3rd time by an enthusiastic little one, eager to start the day. It was all giggles and games until a certain “gift” landed, nudging me out of bed to perform my early-morning diaper-changing duties. Ah, the glamorous life of parenting, where mornings begin with unexpected surprises!

He’s hitting milestones left and right—sitting up, the very early stages of crawling, even getting the hang of standing with a little support. But amidst these triumphs, his sleep routine is a patchwork quilt of strategies. Some nights, it’s a few hours in his crib followed by co-sleeping. Others, we’re all in for the long haul, co-sleeping and snuggled up together. There are nights when a quick nurse soothes him back to sleep, and he returns to his crib.

Navigating this sleep routine is a rollercoaster, the kind where “whatever works” becomes the golden rule. It’s challenging, but in the midst of it all, I’m aware these moments won’t last forever. The nights of being the go-to source of comfort and reassurance might be tough now, yet I know deep down that I’ll look back fondly on these times when he needed me the most.

In the whirlwind of motherhood, I’ve learned to savor every moment. Life’s unpredictable—there’s no telling when a “last time” might come knocking. The last time he’ll reach out for a hug, the last midnight wake-up call, the final diaper change—I’m trying to hold onto these fleeting moments with all I’ve got. Every second feels priceless.