Have you ever heard of Lizzo?

Yeah, I thought so. She’s just this talented singer who’s unapologetically herself and inspires all of her listeners to do the same. She blames it on the juice and makes us all question why men great still they gotta be great? I mean, I’m pretty sure everyone loves Lizzo at this point. It’s almost a prerequisite to having a decent conversation. 

Me meeting someone new: Hey, so do you like Lizzo? 

And their response tells me the type of person I’m dealing with lol. With that being said, it might come as a surprise but I didn’t really pay much attention to Lizzo when she blew up on the scene earlier this year.

Read More: I Can’t Stand One-Hit Wonders

But on a random day, I decided to finally listen to Lizzo’s music on Spotify. As I researched her, I realized that her hit song, “Truth Hurts” was released 2 years ago! I found that so inspiring.

It encourages me in my creative journey. Sometimes it feels like no one is watching and all of my creative juices are being released into a black hole. While I’m okay with working without recognition, there’s always a hope that one day I’ll reach my fullest potential and everyone will know it.

Photo by @makingkendra on IG

But like I said, sometimes that all seems impossible because I literally will see the number of views on an Instagram post and think, “wow nobody is looking at this.” But Lizzo’s story is so inspiring. It reminds me that just because my work isn’t receiving the love I think it deserves, doesn’t mean that it isn’t good quality. The key is to keep producing great content on a consistent basis. What God has for you is yours. The bible says:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, – Colossians 3:23

So This Reminds Me …

Everything I’m producing should be made as though I am working for God himself. That takes a lot of the outside pressures away. Generally, there’s always pressure as a creative. There’s pressure to get a final product out to the public but it doesn’t stop there. The pressure continues when it’s released because the worries about likes, views, comments, and all that engagement stuff start to kick in. But God says chill out with all that. Stop worrying about human masters. They don’t matter. Following this rule will always ensure that whatever I produce is top-notch and that I’m proud of my work. This applies to my creative journey, professionally and really every part of life.


Life is a journey and we can’t skip steps to the top because we will miss out on the fundamentals that build character.

So, the moral of this story is to just keep swimming and be like Lizzo. Your dreams may take longer than you want but if you produce great content, all you have to do is sit back and watch what He does. All will come in His perfect timing.