Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

Okay #TheQuarantineCrew! We hear you and we see you.

So if you haven’t noticed there has been a boom of content circulating on every single social media platform. As we’re all forced to WFH and find ways to entertain ourselves indoors, some of our Bach Nation faves a.k.a (Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown) have given us plenty of content for our viewing pleasure. 

Not only are they keeping us entertained but we are sure that they HAVE to be together now or at least really really really enjoying each others company! 

So, who’s in this Quarantine Crew that has taken over our timelines? We’ve got all the answers. Just keep reading.

The Crew

Tyler Cameron, Matt James, Hannah Brown, Kate Dooley, Olivia Faria, Ryan Cameron and Jacob Laham (aka Brown Bear).

They’ve deemed themselves “#TheQuarantineCrew” and, you guys, they have been producing some quality, A1 content for the past 3 weeks.

Obviously, the best videos are the ones where we get to see the dynamic between Tyler and Hannah. But, in the midst of all their really fun and interesting Tik Toks we’ve been getting to know the other 5 mystery people who haven’t swapped spit with the lead of a reality dating show on national television.

Matt James

Well, if you’re a fan of Tyler Cameron then you know who this guy is. Matt is Tyler’s best friend and he was actually about to join Clare Crowley’s season of the Bachelorette when COVID-19 took over the world and the franchise was forced to halt production. Who knows if he’ll be able to join the cast once all this is over but after getting a taste of Matt in the QC (see what I did there), I’m seriously wanting to see more of him on television.

Anyways, my basic sleuthing skills uncovered he’s in the real estate business which is like okkkkkayyyyyy because dudes and dudettes in real estate be making bank.

He’s also the founder of ABC Food Tours which is this nonprofit that “engages kids in underserved communities through surrounding students with restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, & immigrant business owners who have all overcome similar hardships they can begin to envision these realities for themselves.”

The more I researched Matt, the more I realized what a great guy he is. Here’s to him getting a shot at love on The Bachelorette or at least getting enough followers during the Quarantine Crew so he doesn’t have to go on the show anymore.

KIDDING. He and Clare would be a great match.

Instagram | ABC Food Tours

Ryan Cameron

Tyler’s younger brother and we love to see it! Scrolling through his Instagram, Ryan seems like a total bro. He plays football for Florida Atlantic University and has a YouTube channel where he’s actually vlogging during the quarantine. So, the mean extra content for all you creeps analyzing every move Hannah and Tyler make right now.

*Btw it’s me. I’m the creep analyzing everything they do.

Instagram | YouTube

Kate Dooley

She’s a teacher and micro-influencer. Kate has known Tyler for a while now and if her Instagram post is any indication, he tried to slide into her DMs and she friend-zoned him.

She’s got a page, Teachers With Tea, where she and her teacher friends post creative curriculum ideas for teachers. It’s actually really cute.

Instagram | Teachers With Tea

Olivia Faria

Olivia is a hardcore life and style Instagrammer. She has a YouTube where she’s also, like Ryan, vlogging during the quarantine. There’s a pretty interesting gift in her latest upload. Won’t spoil it for you but just go watch. You’ll know it when you see it lol. You’re welcome in advance.

Instagram | YouTube

Jacob Laham (aka Brown Bear)

Honestly had to look up his government name because I’ve only ever heard him referenced as Brown Bear. But seriously, this guy has to be the biggest gem out of all of these people. He’s a triple threat according to his Instagram. A photographer, director, and filmmaker. His YouTube is also pretty awesome. The content there is chronicles the quarantine but not in a vlogging way. It’s more profesh and like there’s fancy music and a nice camera. I dig it.

Instagram | YouTube