Photo by Ashley Whitlatch on Unsplash

Ellen has built her career on being a fun-loving dancing machine with a charitable heart and the coolest celebrity friends for the past 17 years. But her reputation is being challenged with claims of a toxic work environment, discrimination and sexual harassment.

Some drama surrounding Ellen has resurfaced and I for one am here to say I TOLD YOU SO. I’ve had a bad vibe from Ellen the last couple years. Not sure if it was the awkward interviews (i.e Dakota Johnson) or the fact that she enjoys laughing at her fans as they fail miserably on Game of Games but she has been rubbing me the wrong way. I had evidence before but now the proof is continuing to pile up.

We discussed how uncomfortable Ellen made me after her interview with Dakota Johnson where she tried to shame her for not inviting her to a birthday party. V awkward and very childish.

More recently, employees have come forward saying that the “be kind” mantra is all for show and behind the scenes is a completely toxic work environment.

So what we’re learning is that these problems aren’t all necessarily have to do with Ellen as a person. The most recent complaints deal with the work environment which, come on, Ellen is the star of the show and she has the power to shift this. She either has no idea, doesn’t care or likes it the way it is. To me, I think Ellen enjoys being in power and being almost a tyrant of sorts. Of course, I have no factual evidence to back this up. I don’t know Ellen but those are the vibes I get from watching her and the interviews of former employees I’ve read.

What’s even worse is that there aren’t just claims of a toxic work environment but also of sexual harassment by the show’s producers.

I can’t blame Ellen for another person’s behavior. This isn’t her fault but it’s really just adding to the disdain I have for the show in general.

In an open letter to her staff, she shared in part, “Hey everybody — it’s Ellen. On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness — no one would ever raise their voice, and everyone would be treated with respect. Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case. And for that, I am sorry. Anyone who knows me knows it’s the opposite of what I believe and what I hoped for our show…”

In the letter, she seems truly apologetic and I actually appreciate that we were able to get an inside look at it. I mean she probably released it to the public herself to make herself look better but anyways, I’m glad she did it because technically she didn’t have to say anything. Again, def a PR move but I respect the hustle.

There was this whole call to #ReplaceEllen thing trending last week where tons of celebs were thrown into the mix for the possibility to replace Ellen but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon since the show has been renewed through 2022.

So, while these recent accusations are more about the work environment than Ellen herself, this isn’t helping my feelings towards Ellen and her show. I really hope they can make a change for the sake of the employees.

How do you guys feel about Ellen? Is she still your fav or are you like me and questioning everything you ever knew about her?