Photo by Julia Ivanina on Unsplash

Hi, I’m Kendra! A millennial girl working in corporate marketing.

This was the very beginning of the Bumble BFF profile I tried to create in an effort to meet friends but quickly abandoned as I realized that maybe being a loner wasn’t so bad, right? I get to drink the entire bottle instead of sharing and finding myself in a #Champagnegate situation. That’s a win, right?


On January 5, 2020, I was sitting at home watching the Golden Globes alone as I nursed a bottle of my favorite Sauvignon Blanc. Trevor was at work. I enjoyed the show but what I didn’t know was that  Beyonce and Reese Witherspoon were on the other side of my TV screen creating a bond built on their own adult beverage. One with bubbles that would eventually teach me 4 key lessons to making friends.

But before I reveal these tips by Hollywood’s elite, let me first set the scene by asking you a question.

Have you ever been to a restaurant and run out of water. Your waiter is busy kekeing with another table and isn’t even looking in your direction while you try to flag him down? You’re parched and you’re starting to realize you should have asked for another water to come out when you ordered your margarita.

But alas, you are there. Thirsty and afraid.

This is what happened to Reese Witherspoon during the Gloden Globes. She realized, her table ran out of water and instead of waiting around for her throat to close up from dryness, she took action. She walked right over to Beyonce and Jay-Z’s table to ask if they had anything to quench her thirst.

Let’s just say. THEY DID.

Jay-Z proceeds to pour Reese a glass of his Ace of Spades champagne that they brought with them to the event. Which let me remind you can be upwards for $10,000 a bottle.

Jennifer Aniston posted this shot to commemorate the occasion.

The next day, Bey and Jay sent an entire case of the Ace of Spades champagne to Reese’s house. Ya know, like how you send a follow-up email after an interview but make that email an expensive bottle of bubbly.

But the gifts didn’t stop there. When Beyonce was sending her new Ivy Park Collection to her celebrity friends, Reese was on the list! Days after the champagne delivery, we got this video of Reese pushing a big orange box up her driveway with her mom.

From Reese, we learn to:

Be Bold: I can one hundred percent guarantee Reese was a little nervous but she went ahead and did it anyway. Because let’s be real, who in their right mind would be able to walk up to Beyonce and Jay-Z and ask for something? Definitely not me and I admire her for taking the chance. So, if we want to make friends, it’s imperative we put ourselves out there.

Don’t Change: I can’t imagine anyone but Reese Witherspoon walking up to Bey and Jay to ask for water. She’s so cute and bubbly and is one of those people that is bold and takes chances. She’s always been like that. She’s not afraid of a challenge. So, we learn from her not to change ourselves for other people. You just might become friends with Beyonce.

Beyonce taught us something too.

Be Selfless: Sometimes, trying to make friends can be hard when you still a little selfish. What we saw from this encounter, is that Bey and Jay are nothing of the sort. These two willingly gave up their champagne (I’m sure they had another) but still. I know how stingy I can get when I have to spend money or give my time to another person.

In order to have a friend, you have to be a friend: The age-old tale my mom would spout at me growing up. I didn’t really get it until I became an adult and realized how hard it is to make friends