Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

You read that right. Zac Efron is dating a non-famous person and it’s not you. Let that sink in. Here’s her IG.

Gone are my middle school days, drooling over Zac Efron’s adorable bowl-cut and thinking how much I’d never be able to steal Gabriella’s man because I was a regular smegular 7th grader. How could he ever be interested in me? I was too young. But turns out just like the mp3 player I lost and later replaced with an iPod Touch (I thought I was so cool) in 9th grade, things evolve. Time goes on and another 2006 middle schooler, who just as likely learned every single dance move to Stick to the Status Quo in her living room, has Zac Efron in her bed. This is a lesson to believe in yourself, ladies. Because anything is possible.

Who is this incredibly blessed woman, you might ask? Her name is Vanessa Valladares. There has gotta be some joke there about him dating girls named Vanessa but I can’t find it but just know that I know that you know there was no better couple than Zac and Vanessa — Hudgens that is. God rest that relationship.

Imagine this. You’re a model, working as a waitress on the side to pay the bills and just waiting on your big break. You’re tired from working a double from the night before but you know you’ve gotta pay the bills so you walk up to your next table to greet them and take their order when you realize you recognize that one guy’s face. Could it be? Is the heartthrob that was plastered on your walls as a preteen sitting here in front you? You act natural and at the end of the night, he asks for your number.

Ok, that was getting a little elaborate but you get the picture. Vannesa is a model/waitress and she met Zac while working. Sounds like the plotline of a Nicholas Sparks movie. Or better yet A Star is Born with less singing and more modeling.

As much as the jealousy is rising inside me, she seems pretty amazing and it seems like Zac is happy. So, that’s all we, as former Efron die-hards, can ask. And now that one of us has made it to the promised land, let’s hope she shares deets of what it’s like. Because after all, we’re all in this together.