Photo by Luis Cortés on Unsplash

In our recap of the first episode of Clare’s season, you’ll remember Yosef was called out for dming a girl during before filming. My original stance was like who the f cares. But now a girl on TikTok has receipts and sis is spilling all the tea.

Apparently, Yosef was dming this girl Carly Hammond and after a few weeks of talking, she learned he was going to be on The Bachelorette. She was okay and still kept talking to him and he came to see her since they live in different states. She said they had a rocky weekend but was like whatever and they barely talked Sunday because she was still upset. On Monday she said she had collected and was expressing them when she received a Snapchat video of Yosef jacking off to another girl and saying he wanted to do explicative things with said other woman. It gets fun when he unfriends Carly on Snapchat thinking that unfriending her would unsend the video but unfortunately for him she’d already watched and replayed the video. Carly proceeds to block him on social media and she has actual proof that Yosef has been viewing her stories from his dog’s IG account.

If you’re anything like me, you wanted to see this infamous dog’s account. But apparently Yosef changed the name or completely deactivated the acount cause it’s gone. Sad, cause i was actually curious what type of dog this man cares for.

Also sad that he has a daughter. I really hope she never has to hear about these antics her dad is pulling on the interwebs. Kind of a sleezy vibe.

What’s even better is Reality Steve is backing up all of this information by sharing all of her TikToks about the incident.

Yosef I really tried to be on your side bud but the evidence is too damning. You can even see his name in the screenshotted messages here. The girl really gave up on the anonymity thing towards the end. Here’s a link to part 1, 2 and 3 of her exposing him. You’re welcome. Watch them all and let me know your thoughts. I’m thinking homeboy is kinda sleazy. Hard pass for me.