Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

It’s 10 p.m. and I’m sitting in the back room at my in-laws watching The Bachelor a day late due to a power outage affecting all 254 counties in Texas. I’m wearing the same clothes from yesterday because we thought we were only staying for one night. And although we still have power at my in-law’s, the water went out right as I was about to flush the toilet and I basically look like a scrub rn. But I digress because this tea from The Bachelor is almost as good as the shower I won’t be able to take.

So, let’s get into it.

Enter Heather.

Raise your hand if you think Matt ends up with Heather post-show? ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ

I do. I do. I do. And let me tell you why. Every single one of the girls Matt has left is absolutely, 100 percent toxic. If Matt is meant to be your husband then he will be your man. One girl randomly joining the cast will not change that. Seeing these women completely freak out over Heather entering the house at week 6 is really pissing me off. Why are you attacking this woman that production allowed to enter the show? If they’re ready to be mad at someone, be made at production.

The main argument is that she’s coming in at week 6 and only has 2 weeks to get to know Matt. And how could she possibly be ready to accept a proposal at that time? I can agree with that sentiment. But if you are truly are in a good place with Matt, why let this bother you? This was clearly set up by production to cause drama. The fact that they can’t see that and made Heather cry, then dismissed her tears as if she was trash makes me think these girls are so simple-minded and downright disrespectful. Either that or they completely understand what production is doing and are playing into it to get more airtime. I hope it’s the later cause at least that makes sense. Shallow but makes sense.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are high on love but come on, I just feel like they all made asses of themselves by making Heather cry like that. Unacceptable behavior from any woman Matt should end up with.

I know Matt has repeatedly talked about how he felt pressure to end up with a particular race because he’s mixed. And the fact that he was forced to sit down and give interviews about race and how he felt uncomfortable disappointing his white and/or black side or whatever, it just makes everything cringe. And it puts race at the forefront of the season. It separates the women in a way for me as a viewer which is frustrating. Like, The Bachelor is trying to “do better” and have “difficult conversations” all while Chris Harrison is out there claiming racism wasn’t as serious in 2018. Like, it’s just a lot of mixed signals from the franchise.

The Group Date

Moving onto the group date, I think the takeaway is that Peleton would greatly appreciate it if we all purchased something from them because that not so subtle product placement told me so. Anyways, hometowns are quickly approaching so these girls on the group date were pulling out all the stops.

After I got down wiping my tears from when Matt sent home the only decent woman (Abby) he had left home, I

Another takeaway from this group date. KIT IS A CHILD. I’m glad I got that off my chest.

Kit: “Hey I’m like 21. So like, I’m not having kids or getting married until I’m much much much older. So you should dump me now because I’ve already gotten enough IG followers at this point.”

Lmao that girl bothers me for some reason. And maybe that’s just her edit but come on, she doesn’t actually want to be there, right?

Fast forward 5 minutes and Kit sent herself home. Very on-brand lol. I wish her a successful career as an Influencer.

Jessenia’s One-on-One

Jessenia finally got her one-on-one and Matt being the honest man that he is admitted he wasn’t where he needed to be emotionally for their relationship to be ready for a proposal in 2 weeks. Thank God because that girl was super toxic as seen by the way she treated Heather earlier in the episode.

The Rose Ceremony

Last takeaway from the episode is Matt truly is a sweet, kind soul. The way he walked toward Pieper to walk her out, I don’t think any lead has ever done that. Generally, the contestants always walk toward the lead and then the lead will walk them out. But you could tell Matt felt so bad for sending this girl home that he walked over to her. So sweet. Pieper was my frontrunner so I was sad to see her leave but Bachelor world will find a way for her to pop up in paradise or something. Fingers crossed. I’m sure we’ll see her again.

At this point Matt’s ending up with Rachael and The Bachelor will have some sort of “tough conversation” on Women Tell All addressing the Antebellum-themed party she attended and Chris Harrison’s recent off-color comments about race. It should all be very interesting.