Photo by Garvit on Unsplash

At this point, you’ve probably heard of self-proclaimed relationship expert Derrick Jaxn. And if you’ve heard his name in the past two weeks, it probably had something to do with his wife’s bonnet and/or his explicit gang of mistresses, one of whom he got pregnant.

And this isn’t a post condemning cheaters because no sin is greater than the other and I’m not here to judge anyone. BUT I am here to point out that this man is a narcissist and needs psychiatric help immediately.

If you don’t know who Derrick is, let me give you a quick overview. Derrick Jaxn’s online persona (because that ish is not real) is the antithesis of Kevin Samuels (you know, the “you’re average at best” guy.) After seeing Derrick’s videos floating around way back in the cut, I decided he wasn’t for me. He gave me bad energy. Like rolling up to McDonald’s after the club and trying to get ice cream just to be told the ice cream machine doesn’t work. Yeah, bad vibes all around.

His videos pander to women and in itself, it doesn’t sound bad but the way he talked about men didn’t reflect the type of man I was looking for even though he proclaimed to be a Christian. And the way he talked about John Gray during his cheating scandal. Anybody with that much to say about somebody else’s scandal has got to be hiding something themselves.

And boy does Mr. Jaxn have some dirt. A total of three mistresses have come forward, one of whom he was in a relationship with as recent as last week. Oh yeah, and it gets worse because the most recent mistress claims that Derrick contacted her after he posted his apology video (the one where he was gripping his wife’s hand for dear life), and said he would call her later to explain. It’s the audacity for me. You can get a full rundown of Derrick and his mistresses here and here.

But if you’re looking for content to prove this man’s narcissism, you don’t have to look far because this video of him reacting to his own apology video is the strangest thing on the internet since Madonna did that interview and a rat scurried across the screen in the background.

1. Derrick Jaxn Reacting to His Own Apology

This is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. And as one commenter pointed out, “He’s the type to die and then attend his own funeral to talk about his greatness.”

2. How A Man Treats You Is How He Feels About You

All I can say is this didn’t age well. I mean he’s not wrong because the statement, “how he treats you is how he feels about you” is true. But the fact that all his dirty laundry is being aired and then we can find videos like this where he condemns the very behavior he exhibits is painful. My dude is out here acting like he’s not THAT GUY. When he is 100 percent that guy lol.

3. Can He Be a Good Man if He refuses To Commit?

This one is rich. In the first 30 seconds, Derrick basically says having one good girl is better than smashing a bunch of different women. And I’m listening like, “oh please tell me more because I’ve got at least 3 of your mistresses that would tell me otherwise.”

There are many more videos proving this man’s inflated sense of self but if I were to show you all of them, we’d be here all night. But yeah, that’s pretty much it for now. Let me know your thought on this whole situation in the comments.