Our obsession with being seen is slowly eroding our sense of self. Who am I if nobody else sees my green juice and avocado toast?

I knew it was out of hand when I faked a morning routine for a Reel. Did I actually do yoga? Absolutely not. Did I do my morning devotion? Nope. And that tiny breakfast portion I portrayed most definitely did not fill me up. I went back for seconds and then thirds.

But I felt like I had to record these specific moments to create trendy content that people would actually see. Because nobody actually clicks on the content I want them to. The stuff that I put my soul into. But that’s what social media has come to. Finding and using trending audio to get views. It’s a terrible way to create and it can be so very limiting when all I want to do bare my soul but I feel like I can’t because when I do, nobody sees and that makes me feel dumb for thinking someone might care in the first place.

As a creator, I think its enate in us to want people to actually see and enjoy our work. But what I’m finding is that maybe my work will only be fulfilling for me and maybe that’s okay. To create authentic content that reflects my heart and not something that’s trending at the moment. 

Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

Imagine if Andy Warhol would’ve followed the rules. His uniqueness actually made him stand out and he is legendary because of it. 

I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want our work to be seen but at what means? Are we selling our souls to gain followers? Are you creating for other people or for ourselves? The line is very blurry. My goal going forward is to make sure, as an influencer, I continue to create things that reflect my heart. I’m still learning and growing but I know that staying true to myself in my content creation is what brings me the most joy and fulfillment. 

I think we might have to use some of the trending tactics to get people to our page. But we cannot lose sight of the beauty of being a free thinker. Creating things without the aid of what’s popular at the moment. Our minds are beyond complex. Our experiences so unique. Tell your story and tell it your way.