I’m pinching myself as I write this because surprise! There’s a little bun in my oven. This Christmas, by the grace of God, we get to revel in the most incredible gift. Seriously, this is one epic holiday present – He’s truly outdone himself! Honestly, it feels like a dream. You know when you’re having the most wonderful dream and it feels so real and then you wake up? I’m still waiting to wake up because this is too sweet.

This journey has been so rough. We’ve been trying to conceive for 5 years and this is the miracle we’ve been praying for. I always promised God with tears running down my cheeks, that if He gave me a child, I would scream His goodness from the rooftops. So this is me, screaming!

Photos by: Sweenshots Studio // Location: @sweenshotstudios // Dress: ASTR the Label

Verse to meditate on: “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.”

Psalm 30:11

Song to accompany verse: He Turned It – Tye Tribett