Navigating the ride of being a stay-at-home mom is like navigating a maze of emotions, and let’s be real, it’s a wild ride. Expressing the sheer delight and the chaos that comes with this gig sometimes feels like trying to explain quantum physics to a baby – a bit impossible.

Trying to encapsulate the joy, the challenges, and the “I need a nap ASAP” moments in a concise, relatable manner is like attempting to fit an entire circus into a nutshell. It’s a beautiful mess, and trying to articulate it often feels like trying to catch a slippery fish with your bare hands. Like, I need to dish out the drama to prove that I’m earning my stripes in the “Mom Olympics.” But sometimes it’s not about airing the dirty laundry; it’s about loving the heck out of a role that’s my personal version of winning the lottery.

Also, I think I’m still coming to grips with the fact that while being a stay-at-home mom is real work with no PTO, sick days or any real time off, it is a privilege. Not everyone can afford it and not everyone wants to do it. But for me, every job I’ve had never fulfilled me the way being his mom has. In fact, most of my jobs had me in the restroom crying, anxious and feeling overworked with no real reward except a paycheck. I felt like I was selling my soul. And to be fair, I did enjoy some jobs but the paycheck and benefits for those jobs never equated to the market value which was frustrating. If I’m crying or frustrated at home now, one look at his smile completely changes my outlook on life and that’s the kind of thing I want to live for. Not a check that fluctuates based on what the market thinks I’m worth.

There’s an undeniable sense of accomplishment in the art of homemaking. For me, it’s in the simplicity of everyday tasks—washing those tiny bottles, washing clothes and preparing meals that nurture my little one. There’s a profound satisfaction in knowing that these seemingly routine chores contribute to his well-being. The joy I feel in creating a safe, comfortable space for my family, in providing nourishment, surpasses any other achievement. It’s in these small moments, within the heart of our home, where I find immense fulfillment and pride. Home is where my efforts are a labor of love, shaping a haven where my little one thrives.

The best part? Feeling like an undercover boss. Because there’s this narrative that says empowerment is all about corner offices and power suits. But what’s seriously underrated is the empowerment that comes with nurturing my tiny human, creating a space of love and growth, and being the ultimate CEO of my family, even if a lot of the work is behind the scenes.

So, maybe the struggle to articulate the sheer awesomeness of being a stay-at-home mom isn’t about finding the right words. It’s about recognizing that the magic lies beyond words – it’s in the messy bun, the sticky hugs, and the laughter that fills every nook and cranny of my home.

In the end, who needs fancy words to describe this whirlwind of love, chaos, and absolute fulfillment? The inability to articulate it all just adds to the mystery and charm of this extraordinary journey.
