Photo by Dulkimso Hakim Santoso on Unsplash

I haven’t been as excited for this show to return since they killed out Wes. The show kind of got dry and the storylines just weren’t as interesting to me. With this fall finale, it turns out Wes is alive! But it seems we’re getting Wes back at the loss of another main character. Check out some of the highlights my the fall finale of the final season of HTGAWM.

Wes Is Alive

Honestly, the fall finale was a game of who’s alive and who’s dead. We already know that AK is faking her death so I was curious to see what would ome of the funeral scenes. The funeral speaker says that someone who knew Analyse well is about to come up and speak. I didn’t know who to expect but in walks Wes Gibbons.

I’m not 100 percent surprised at his return because I never felt like he was dead. But then they showed his body and it was discouraging but I super glad he’s back and can’t wait to see this explanation when the show returns in the spring.

Asher is the Mole

So it turns out Asher has been the one leaking information to the FBI this whole time. Apparently, he did it to protect his family. Yada, yada. Mikayla was clever enough to figure on the night of graduation while the gang was high and after Asher randomly asked her to marry him. She was like something ain’t adding up. Smart girl. Well, Olly didn’t take this so well and hit Asher over the head with a fire poker. Just once. Asher fell to the ground but immediately regained consciousness. He was fine and it was chalked up to a flesh wound.


Asher Is Dead?

Just when we thought Asher had escaped death, it turns out he was the person being bludgeoned with the fire poker in all those flash-forwards. So, I’m pretty sure he’s dead. The cops arrested Mikayla and Connor much to there dismay because last they say Asher was fine. The cops confirmed the death was indeed Mr. Millstone. But when they panned to the Asher lying on the ground, he seemed to still be taking tiny breaths. So IDK yet. You never know with this show. The timelines are trippy so we’ll see.

Laurel is Alive

I don’t think anyone was doubting if she was alive but I was wondering where the heck she went! I love this character and I’ve been missing her all season so, when we finally got a glimpse of her, I was so excited. Basically, she just said she wasn’t the mole and someone close to them (i.e. Asher) was talking to the Feds.

It was a lot and to be honest this was the first episode of HTGAWM that I actually enjoyed in a long time. These twists and turns have me on the edge of my seat. Where I was previously understanding of the shows’ cancellation, now I’m praying somebody will pick this show up after the last episodes air in the spring.