Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

You remember Lori Loughlin, right? The sweet, innocent mom from the TV sitcom Full House? Yes, that one. Well, it seems as though the lessons she taught us on the show haven’t really transferred over in her real life. Lori is making headlines once again, as media released the photos that were used in the scheme to get her daughters into the University of Southern California (USC).

Let’s Recap

In March of last year, Lori was caught in a massive college scandal, along with 50 other people who helped their children cheat on college exams and pose as potential athletic recruits. The FBI uncovered a number of parents who paid thousands of dollars to William “Rick” Singer who helped boost their chances of these wealthy children getting into college. In some ways, Singer would allow other people to take the test for their children, bribe test administrators, and bribe college coaches to pretend these students were athletes.

Trust me, I know the pre-college struggle. Filling out multiple college applications (which really felt like thousands), studying for the SAT, taking the SATs, begging your college counselor to give your high school transcript early, and then early waiting for that big package in the mail to say “Congrats! You’ve been accepted to…”

If there were anything, I could’ve done to make my college application process easier, I would’ve done it. But, taking away another kid’s chance to go to a college they’ve worked so hard for…. I don’t know about that.

Not So Picture Perfect

The photos released show Lori and Mossimo daughters on an ERG machine in workout clothes, pretending to be “practicing”. Reportedly, Olivia and Isabella posed as crew recruits to get accepted into the USC’s rowing program, but neither of the girls has been a rower a day in their life. The photos have the girl’s faces blurred out and there are no names attached to the photos either. Reportedly, Singer created a fake profile for the daughters and specifically asked for photos like the ones released.  In the message, Singer stated, “I need a PDF of her transcript and test scores very soon while I create a coxswain portfolio for her. It would probably help to get a picture with her on an ERG in workout clothes like a real athlete too.” An exchange between Singer and USC soccer coach Laura Janke showed that Janke needed more information to create a fake profile.

Lori and Giannulli, who have been accused of paying 500,000 to get their daughters into USC, have pleaded guilty for fraud, bribery, and money laundering charges. The girls, however, have not been charged with anything.

This whole scandal is just crazy. I mean, why couldn’t they’ve just have applied to the school like every other college senior. If they would’ve gotten accepted, yay congratulations. If they would’ve been rejected, sorry but thousands of kids get rejected from their top schools. It’s life and I’m glad that in this situation wealth doesn’t out rule what’s right.